Title: Cheesy Lines #5 {Name}
Pairing: Yabu Kota x Hikaru Yaotome
Author: Keanne (
keannegirl01 )
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
A/N: The 5th and last drabble for today. Enjoy~
Yabu Kota stayed on his usual seat while looking around. He needed someone to talk to and he was trapped in the place with no one he knew. He sighed on got his Tiquila and took a sip. He still looked around until his eyes locked on someone that was alone too.
He felt a sudden tug on his chest and he was like sparking on all the nerves of his body. Was that love at first sight? Or was that because of the liquor on his hand? Either of them, he still stayed looking at him and found his self smiling while doing so.
While smiling, he went nearer to the guy. He silently sat beside him and the guy looked at him. “Hi,” He greeted.
The stranger just knotted his forehead and ignored him. He didn’t give up and continued to talk to him. “How are you?” He asked.
The guy looked at him again with furrowed eye brows. “Do I know you?” He asked.
That was the time that he frowned and put the sad face on.he noticed the stranger’s face soften while he did so. “I have a problem…” He said.
Even though the guy beside him was uncomfortable, he still managed to ask. “What is it?”
Yabu stared at the stranger with sadness on his eyes. “I can’t remember my name…” He said.
The guy beside him gasp and continued looking at him with eyes full of pity.
“I can’t remember my name, can I have yours?” Yabu continued then smiled.
The guy cocked his head and laughed. Yabu just stayed looking at him with glint of amusement on his eyes.
“Hikaru Yaotome.” The guy said with his eyes still smiling.
Cheesy line indeed works.