So, between myself,
public_ear and Barb, we managed to take a whole lotta pictures at the Hallowe'en/anniversary party.
So for Hallowe'en, I went as Peterborough Gothick
Barb was Mother Nature, seen here in dozy hippy
And in the more fully awake model
public_ear went as himselthe dread pirate
And so we arrived at the schoolhouse for the party. Note the face behind Barb's shoulder.
Yes, that is someone dressed up as Dick Cheney.
The one mandatory groupshot.
One of our gracious organisers...
_nowhere_, whose job it was to tell us that it was time to leave
aquila_rhaine is dressed as Spike. Next year, Draco Malfoy?
morgan_delvanna really wants to be your buddy.
The bomber in the background does start
To become a theme.
Jebus loves everyone. You and me.
They really are cute together.
Tara apparently "just threw something together that afternoon".
Paul is doing fine. Just fine.
taeryn_legata only did
this half a hundred times over the evening.
No really, everyone had to do something in the background of another photo.
And then look innocent about it.
Ok, I may have taken this photo. Then again, the camera was also left unattended for a bit. (
taeryn_legata and
sjmonkey Mat really does look like he's plotting something.
Ta-da! Ja-na!
Well, I guess it's a short step away from "mortified".
And no,
puddle_jumper can't claim to be shocked
or appalled about anything.
Not sure why, but this one was just neat.
Pat was a little out of focus. That is not the camers. That's Pat.