Title: Eyes On Me - Hikaru
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Hikato w/ one-sided slight YabuHika
Disclaimer: I own them without owning them :]
Summary: Hikaru always had feelings towards Keito, ever since he first laid his eyes on him. But when he see Yabu fake kiss Keito during a photo-shoot or Wink Up, he couldn't hold back. What exactly does
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Comments 44
This is cute♥ (:
and thanks >< cute is what i aim for :P
I Loved it. I don't think you need to re-write it at all.
PS: Sorry for the late comment.
your like totally awsum, i lubborz you >< XD
but yea thanks for the comment im glad you liked it! :]
lmao i think a lot of people liked that part XD
oh really? ehh well im just really low self esteemed about my works XD
PS: S'ok, i know your situation and such :]
I'm sure they did, and don't be so low on your work if you think it is worth posting then you shouldn't feel bad about it, if you are unsure then ask someone to read it and give an opinion on it, where you should change it etc to make it better in your eyes. work with someone to edit it to make it into the best.
Thanks, stupid sister. grrrrr
yea, because this was one of my first few works, i didn't have anyone to look it over, because i was so new to the comm, and didn't have any friends on here XD also i could use my friends in my area, because theyre arent into this stuff, and not everyone knows im gay in my area sooo XD it'd be awkward XD but now i have a beta, yay~ gotta love connections through fanboys XD
yesh, grrr, but when you do get another lappy, itll be alright :]
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