Dfaggot9: ur a bisexual
Dfaggot9: my friend told me about u
DDRLegend111one: hi
DDRLegend111one: no
Dfaggot9: yeah u go to a smart kid camp
DDRLegend111one: nah
DDRLegend111one: I used to
Dfaggot9: and u blew a kid on a field trip
DDRLegend111one: I wish
Dfaggot9: no u dont wish u blew some kid who was high off fumes at a hotel
DDRLegend111one: Heh
DDRLegend111one: Who are you?
Dfaggot9: and that kid is obsessed with porn
DDRLegend111one: just curious
Dfaggot9: i no from my friend who goes to camp with u
DDRLegend111one: ok
DDRLegend111one: who is...
Dfaggot9: Muhan Guclu
DDRLegend111one: ...
DDRLegend111one: Dude.
DDRLegend111one: Muhan is full of shit.
Dfaggot9: nah hes not hes trukish he cant be full o fshit
Dfaggot9: he would be full of turkey
Dfaggot9: so was it fun blowing that kid
DDRLegend111one: Nah, I didn't blow anyone.
DDRLegend111one: Sorry.
DDRLegend111one: Don't get your hopes up.
DDRLegend111one: No more faggot fantasies for you.
Dfaggot9: yes u did u blew a kid who was obsessed with porn and ur a bisexual
DDRLegend111one: ...thanks for telling me what I DID. Not what you did.
DDRLegend111one: I'm pretty sure I didn't.
DDRLegend111one: Actually, positive.
Dfaggot9: i think u did
DDRLegend111one: that's nice.
DDRLegend111one: Noone gives a fuck, loser.
Dfaggot9: i heard from more then muhan
Dfaggot9: no one gives a fuck? well am someone so go blow another kid
DDRLegend111one: Even if I was bi, which I'm not, what would it matter, you
homophobic prick?
DDRLegend111one: I'm sorry, what?
DDRLegend111one: I can't understand retard.
Dfaggot9: well i think its disgusting that u like to blow men
DDRLegend111one: well, I don;t
Dfaggot9: yes u do
DDRLegend111one: Ok
DDRLegend111one: I do.
DDRLegend111one: I admit it.
DDRLegend111one: Look out your window
Dfaggot9: y
DDRLegend111one: do it, bitch.
Dfaggot9: fine i did
DDRLegend111one: ok
DDRLegend111one: Just wanted you to.
DDRLegend111one: name some other people who said shit about me.
Dfaggot9: wow what to busy blowing someone to think of y u want me to look out my window
DDRLegend111one: What is it with you and men blowing other men?
DDRLegend111one: Dude. What is your compulsion to bother me?
Dfaggot9: i dont no am bored
DDRLegend111one: No, I never said you DID blow men.
DDRLegend111one: But you sure do talk about it a lot.
DDRLegend111one: You have odd fetishes.
Dfaggot9: no i dont am just stating the fact that u blew some kid
DDRLegend111one: I actually didn't.
Dfaggot9: yes u did
DDRLegend111one: But wthat's a bunch of horseshit to argue over.
DDRLegend111one: And shut the fuck up, you don't even know who the FUCK I am, dipshit.
Dfaggot9: wow someone needs a chill pill goosefraba goosefraba
Dfaggot9: goosefraba goosefraba
DDRLegend111one: Nah, I just wonder when you'll go suck your mom off again
Dfaggot9: goosefraba
DDRLegend111one: haha lol ur funny
DDRLegend111one: not
Dfaggot9: sry i dont suck cock and m y mom doesnt have a dick and i dont suck cock like u
DDRLegend111one: That doesn't mean a thing
Dfaggot9: because u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: Once again
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: Dude, I'm getting tired of you telling me what I didn't do
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: ok
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: ok
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: ok
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: ok
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: you blew your mom at fat camp
Dfaggot9: i dont recall il i recall is u blowing a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: ok
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: Lemme just say something
DDRLegend111one: ok>?
Dfaggot9: say it whats taking so long u to busy blwing another kid
DDRLegend111one: no
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: I was waiting for you to acknoledge
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: am waiting for ur response
DDRLegend111one: Here's the point: You've never met me. You don't know who I am. Chances are, you'll never meet me. But thing is, I'll probably fuck you up if you start shit in REAL LIFE, pussy boy. I mean, you think you're so cool behind a fucking computer screnn, but in real life, what would you do?
Dfaggot9: i dont no probably cut ur dick off and make u blow ur self because u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: really? you would?
DDRLegend111one: Give me your adress, I'll come to your house
Dfaggot9: okay be my guest my dads a cop
DDRLegend111one: Nice, he wouldn't be too happy to see shit like this on the internet.
DDRLegend111one: You're setting yourself up, asshole.
Dfaggot9: listen the point is....
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: Listen the point is, give me your adress
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: No really, give me your adress
Dfaggot9: how bout
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: How bout you're not witty, fucking annoying, have no friends and SUCK DICK BEHIND VENDING MACHINES FOR 2 DOLLARS
Dfaggot9: i dont recall any of those but u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
DDRLegend111one: why would you do this on christmas?
Dfaggot9: u blew a kid at smart camp
Dfaggot9: i dont no
DDRLegend111one: That's really fucking nice
DDRLegend111one: Dude, but really. Why won't you give me your adress
DDRLegend111one: afraid, pussy?
Dfaggot9: dude ur crying over this when all u have to do is block me
DDRLegend111one: Haha, crying?
Dfaggot9: yeah
DDRLegend111one: I'm laughing my ass off
Dfaggot9: no ur nto it sounds like ur pissed and pissed enough to try and have ur friend diss me
DDRLegend111one: Eh
DDRLegend111one: I gave her the log
DDRLegend111one: she got all pissed.
Dfaggot9: u no what am bored
DDRLegend111one: that's good
DDRLegend111one: English isn't your first language, is it?
Dfaggot9: i did this because Muhan told me u where an assholr to him
Dfaggot9: and that u made fun of him
DDRLegend111one: ...what is he talking about?
DDRLegend111one: I was his best fucking friend
Dfaggot9: so i decided payback was in order
DDRLegend111one: I was the nicest guy to him
DDRLegend111one: I have no fucking clue what you're talking about
Dfaggot9: he told me that u where
Dfaggot9: sry if i pissed u off to much but i had to get payback for my friend
Dfaggot9: u no ur friend is kinda saying ur gay listen to this
DDRLegend111one: Yeah
DDRLegend111one: I am gay
DDRLegend111one: But not bi
Dfaggot9: rUbbERduKKie711: if u dont care then y the hell do u piss of at people for being gay
DDRLegend111one: I never said I wasn't gay, from what I reccolect.
DDRLegend111one: Lemme check that again
DDRLegend111one: nope
DDRLegend111one: didn't say it
Dfaggot9: o
Dfaggot9: i dont care if ur gay
Dfaggot9: but being a bi is nasty
DDRLegend111one: that's the spirit
Dfaggot9: and i thought u where an ass to Muhan
DDRLegend111one: no
DDRLegend111one: I wasn't
DDRLegend111one: he's full of shit if he told you htat
Dfaggot9 signed off at 11:55:15 PM.