Apr 02, 2004 22:38
sooo i was a d.d. tongiht first time we mobbed deep, the rest of the night was chilll as fuck.....word to stoked off to chill.
Apr 01, 2004 21:53
sick i lost my wallet and i couldnt find it all pe was gay the crumblers once again. i went to work and my new manager is a nazi so i hear.i wiped jelly on elises face funny stuff. then got threatend i was gonna get jump because i was talking shit, but i guess people dont know what rumors are.
Mar 31, 2004 20:30
welll you see i made this ghetto piece of junk...i was bored....and im talking to a computer siick! word. oh man did you friking know Eazy e died of aids. what the hell had no clue, god rest his sole. well had work and it was a drag, worked on my car ate and now i want to watch the oc and south park owrd to this i will be back later g dawgs!