Ok whoever daJerk is you've got it horribly wrong, and are being painfully close minded, and assumptious, and are just generally oozing with a extremely painful aura of "Better than thou" Get over yourself. And your entire arguement is half constructed and hypocritical. "Don't say that I am wrong without backing it up."? Guess what else is equally applicable? You shouldn't say you're right without backing it up. Did you think of that? So if we follow your logic, you are equally wrong, or if we disregard that point than well your entire counter-point is moot. Lack of evidence on the part of one party does not validate the other's statement
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Quick final note, in review this was a wee bit too agressive/more agressive than I meant it. My arguements still stand, just keep in mind I kinda got caught up in the moment, and responded without... giving time to think it through necessarily. Hoping it was too horribly agressive (I probably coulda definately used without the personnal attacks kinda, because well they were unecessary and a poor arguement strategy used by certain people I do not know but loathe, and I'm a little appalled I slipped into them (read Jack Thompson for those who know about my dislike for him)). But yes. That is all.
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