I collect my thoughts and I'm prepaired to burden him with my true feelings...
but NO! He had to hold me and whisper and gaze... and any rational thought that had been perched at the tip of my tongue dissolved. Super
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Hey that's completely random! Hi, you left a post on my lj about six flags.... Anyways, I'm in a similair boat with you about the boyfriend, except mine is going to be a senior at highschool, its going to suck really bad... But hey hun, you are not alone in dealing with the 6 hour difference.
clubbing and cute boys are a definite must when you're feeling blah. i went out last night too and it felt sO good. i can totally relate to hoping for some kind of future without THE boy..it does suck, but we will make it. =)
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Tall, eccentric Europeans are the best kind of Europeans.
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