In regards to the recent LJ update and the changes across the site, there's been a lot of talk in the RP community about shifting games and personal accounts over to
Dreamwidth. The modteam have been in discussion since the update as to what our options are and how they might affect the game, but before any decisions are made, we'd like to hear
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Comments 53
But I've a question though? ... What about enabling a game-wide comment CSS? So that, it's the best of all worlds-ish? ... One that enables doing all the things we love to do- but across the board/every journal- so that people can read it/interact and what not- *if it stays in livejournal* ?
Totally for that- really wants whatever is easiest/best for the people involved.
Like instead of "Please go here and disable custom comment pages" it's "Please go here and choose this journal style?"
That is an option, but we haven't really talked about it. Having everyone enable CSS of their choice and then viewing their friendslist in their own style would probably get the same result - a uniform game design - but with more room for individual customization.
Not all journal styles work for everyone. That's why custom comment pages were disabled in the past. Also, some people really enjoy hunting around for the journal style that's just right for their character's journal. Other people just aren't css savvy and getting them to implement a new style upon joining a game would be a big ask. So no, we probably wouldn't impose a game-wide style.
But if ... there is disabling custom comments- how are people to veiw a thing in their own style? ... or am I missing something? D: <-- see? not Savvy XD.
Alternatively, you can insert ?style=mine or &style=mine onto the ends of entry or thread urls respectively if you have custom comment pages enabled, and it will show the page in your own style.
Two of my other games are considering/probably will move, so there's that.
If you have a paid, when are you paid up until?
If you don't want to share publicly, PM lord_admin.
If you don't consider this a factor, then just ignore this.
Zeke's in May
Kloe, though it's just icons, is November
My main problem with DW honestly is the paid account stuff. That's my own personal baaaw-poor-me issue, but it seriously turns me off from going over there. It's more expensive no matter how you look at it.(I'm pretty sure anyway herp derp i might be wrong)
What LJ is doing right now is stupid and annoying, but personally the money thing is more pressing to me than annoying new features I already know I'll get used to within a couple months or less.
But again, if it's DW the game wants, DW I'll go. <3
For me, it's a lot easier for me to buy a paid account for a full year rather than break it up.
On LJ, I can get a paid account for $25 for a year.
On DW, it's $35 for a year.
I have three accounts I'd want extra icons for. And personally, all I really need is an extra 15 set. I don't need more than 30 spaces. However, I'd only want one account that's paid. On LJ, I can pick and choose features. If all I want is an extra icon set for an account for a year, it's only $6. So for one paid and two accounts with an extra icon set, the total is $37 a year.
On DW, you don't have the option of picking and choosing features. (Not yet anyway). It's either pay $35 a year for a paid account or nothing. So if I wanted extra icons for three accounts, it's a total of $105 a year.
For someone with no income, $37 and $105 is a pretty huge difference.
I could suck it up and compromise and only pay for one paid account on DW, but I'd still be getting less for my money.
$35 for one account on ( ... )
But they they are looking into other icon addons for paid accounts. I haven't seen anything in detail about that. Just that it was a possibility.
And I believe they are working on a system where you'll be able to transfer paid time from one account to another. Such as if you bought a year for a character, decided you didn't want to play them anymore after two months, you could then transfer the remaining ten months time to another account.
I don't know if that'd help you or not.
The issue is, I don't want to have to pay $35 per account JUST so I can have extra icons. Having extra fancy features on a paid account already for icons is fine and dandy, but I don't want extra features. I just want an extra 15 set for all my accounts.
I'd still have to cope with only paying for one account because it'd be too much money to pay for all three. On LJ, I don't have that problem.
And if I couldn't afford to pay a paid account on LJ, it'd only be $18 for three accounts with extra icons. (While on DW it'll always be $35 for just one)
It's a big inconvenience for me, unfortunately
If that link doesn't work, let me know.
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