So, here's the deal. Dock Boy and I were supposed to get together last week when he trucker-ed it down to Boston on either Tuesday or Wednesday. We were gonna meet up, go to IHop, and, in Keeper's mind, wildly make-out in the cab of his 18-wheeler afterwards. Well, none of that happened because Dock Boy never called. Which was strange because he had actually seemed excited about meeting up. Whatever. So, I, being very passive aggressive and yet still a little needy text messaged him on Sunday to basically be like, "What gives?" He texted me back saying that he had been down here on Friday, but lost the number.
Stupid boy*.
But he also said he'd be down again on Tuesday, and he'd call me then. So, tonight, I text message him and I'm like, "are you actually driving here tonight? Or should I make other plans?" And he calls me back, and is like "Yeah, they cancelled the truck, they do that a lot, and I meant to call you, but then I forgot."
As I said, grrrrrrrrrrr.
Anyway, he says he'll be here before the end of the week, but I'm not counting on it. I'm seriously getting over this guy....
*À la