Challenge 05: In the Mood for Spring

Feb 24, 2020 02:14

Welcome Spring!

Welcome Spring (1 element):
The sun comes out and it gets warmer. Still cold and cool, especially in the morning and night, but warm enough during the day to go outside and enjoy the weather. Days get longer and there is more time to get things done.

The 3 Spring Months (4 elements):
April - For me, when it's time to start gardening. Getting it ready, getting seeds, mixing up the soil in the raised beds, etc.
May - Trees are in bloom, veggie starts have started to appear. Life is waking up. I used to live in DC. Loved walking around the Basin with all the cherry trees.
June - Warm and colorful. Not too hot, but warm enough to sit outside at night now too. Tomatoes can be planted now.

Also, the choice to greet instead of saying good-bye. Warmth and happiness are arriving; not starting to leave like it does with the summer. Young; the future still has tons of time and potential left.

Images (3 elements):
Bike - Time to get outside and exercise! I have a new bike.
Stars - Warm enough at night to go stargazing. Winter may be clearest, but it's also freezing out. Spring and summer you can just lie on the grass in my backyard.
Umbrella - Rain. Yes, I said it. But it's the good rain, warm and nuturing. Nice to listen to out on my deck. Waters my garden so I don't have to. It's not a nightmare to be out in, unlike in winter when it comes freezing and with wind.

Quote (1 element):
I love this quote. It's just the quintessential spring: finally being able to go outside, breathe in clean air, and wake up from dreariness into the light. It's also by one of my favorite childhood authors.

Font (1 element):
Coventry Garden

Color palette (1 element):
I ran the finished moodboard through a palette generator and those are the colors that came up. I love them. They are light, yet bright and cheery. Very sunshine happy and mood-lifting.

picspam, user: blue_sunflowers, cycle 03, moodboard, challenge 05, graphics

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