Spring, for me, is always connected with Easter (don't know why, I'm not even religious), so the moodboard includes a bunny (because Easter Bunny) and some Easter eggs (because they were always so much fun as a kid). Spring is the time when everything starts turning green, so we have some green grass to represent that, as well as some purple and yellow flowers on the bottom (no idea what kind of flower that is, I just googled spring flowers) and a budding tree. Also representing new beginnings is the baby chicken because spring is the time where a lot of animals have their young. (And it's just cute.)
Spring is also the season of (new) love, so we have a cute heart-shaped romantic image right there.
Spring, where I live, is also a time of rain, so we have a nice, refreshing spring rain shower scene in the bottom right corner.
The colour palette takes center stage, with some pastels but also some bolder colours since people tend to wear more colour in the warmer months.
And the last image on the moodboard is a collection of flowers, since spring is the time where it's finally comfortable to sit outside on the porch and of course you need some flowers to brighten that spot.
The font I used is
Sunshine In My Soul (link to dafont.com).