So I'm trying to knit a scarf with cables and purls by the end of this week. Yeah, pretty much insane, but I want to have it when I go to Colorado for skiing/snowboarding (still thinking on it). After all, you need something to keep you warm when there's snow
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Comments 8
you have to give Mr. Q. a chance. Mme. B. just up and left her job because of "personal reasons". if you start a school year you shouldn't leave half way through (unless you're pregnant or in the hospital). it's her job to teach her students and abandoning us isn't fair. Mme. is incredibly selfish and lazy. i'll admit, i liked her, but it was because most of the time we were having free days in class. death isn't fun, but did you see me quitting school last year when it was too much for me to take? no. i put up with all the shit that was thrown at me.
first of all i dont think shes easy seeing as like a fourth of the kids failed last year, but mme didnt kick them out, instead she always gave them second what a CRAPPY teacher.
i had mme b and yeah shes not as good as mme mc when it comes to teaching, but i had her and even with mr q i could kick yo ass in french any day.
hating on mme b...thou hast crossed the line.
and i really don't care if you can beat me in french. i just took it because it's been the easiest language with the nicest teachers.
i didn't say she was crappy because she had sympathy for her students. i said it because she didn't care how bad of a student you were. she changed so many grades for kids in my class and it's not fair to those of us who actually worked for our grades when the people who hadn't payed attention could go give Madame some boohoo heart breaking story about what happened to keep them from studying and suddenly their grade is up to a nice B.
that's just not what i want from a teacher.
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