♦ Din -
Eldest The creator of the land and the Goddess of Power. Llwyn is absolutely terrified of her for reasons he refuses to disclose and prefers to talk to Qadir instead. Master of Dance and Fighting, Eldest is the one who taught the three of them how to fight. She communicates through fire, and is normally seen in the company of Gerudos and Gorons. Her elements are the seasons, fire, earth and darkness.
♦ Qadir -
Ganon Eldest's favourite and is her helper. Is also the one who gave Llwyn the 'little wolf' (Faolan) nickname due to seeing that the poor kid's transformation was smaller than the normal wolfos. He's normally seen accompanying his Goddess on one of her fighting/dancing forays and is the only person who could possibly hold his own against her. Llwyn looks up to Qadir like an older brother and deeply admires the other not that he'll ever admit it. Due to the nature of Power itself, he has the role of being the 'Dark Lord' that serves to band those of Light together in times of strife.
♠ Nayru -
Wisest The creator of law and the Goddess of Wisdom. She's the keeper of time and general history, often times seen around the library. Wisest loves to sing and read, and is the one who taught the languages and other information to the three underlings. Her method of communication is through water's reflection and is almost always accompanied by Alethea when she goes to visit the Zoras or Hylians. She presides over time, water, ice and light.
♠ Alethea -
Zelda Wisest's aide. Originally had a lot of mixed feelings towards her. Now he thinks of Alethea as an older sister of sorts. She's usually the second person he goes to for help on what to do/where to go next or to just talk. She's also the only other person aside from Farore to have not adopted the 'Faolan' nickname for him. Nine times out of ten, she'll be found following Wisest in Castle Town or Zora's Domain playing the harp accompaniment while her Goddess sings.
♥ Farore -
Youngest The creator of life and the Goddess of Courage. While not assigned a job in particular, Youngest is known for keeping 'secrets' in the book she always carries with her. She has connections to both her sisters (nature and time), but is most often found in the forest playing the flute or writing. When visiting the Kokiri, she normally drags Llwyn along as her 'fairy guardian'. The main method to communicate with her is the sound of the wind. She represents the forest, wind, shadow and the secrets they all hold.
«Dressing Room»
» Cyril (
equita_tion) - fffffff brb
» Dark (
darkmastersword) - A shadow of the Hero, but different in that he doesn't have a 'dark' personality (according to Llwyn anyway). Met during the clothes swap curse, but haven't spoken since then.
» Din (
power_entity) - Not Eldest ._. She didn't hit him for his questions and while he originally thought that was a good thing... Now he's wondering if it was actually a
bad omen. A really bad omen. TT_TT
» Farore (
goddesscourage) - щ(゚Д゚щ) Not Youngest! WHY FUCKDAMMIT, WHY?! /roof ... On a more serious tone, even if this isn't his Farore, she is still a Farore, and he will... probably try to keep near her like a puppy.
» Ganon (
old_man_ganon) - Initially mistook Ganon for Qadir. Speaks to him because the Dark One reminds Llwyn of his deviance's Ganon, and the little wolf feels homesick and lonely. Worries about what the other is planning but... It isn't something that he can interfere in.
just about spilled his entire life story to him. AAAAAAAAARGH NO, NOT THAT NICKNAME AKLSDFJ;ASLJ
» Khalil/'Sheik' (
wallrun) - a Sheikah that dresses funny! They had an encounter at the tavern where Severs and Llwyn were chillin'... defrosting. w/e
» Link (
fall_of_farore) - This one's wrongwrongwrong. In time, Llwyn could learn to overlook the Darkness that clings to the other, but for now there's only hostility.
» Link (
hero_of_smash) - everytime Llwyn catches wind of his voice, it's normally in rage. There isn't much of an opinion of this one...
» Link (
herosnightmare) - 'Nightmare'? it's a fifty-fifty thing. Interesting like the Beginner, but with Melee and Foffy's 'bad' aura.
» Link (
its_a_mask) - not awfully bright, this one. Thinks that there's potential here... Then again, no one ever seems to get what Llwyn's trying to say to them, so it really must be all in his head. B|b Keep on keepin' on, brah.
» Link (
severs_twilight) - Met when Link first appeared in the Dressing Room. There isn't much to say, other than Llwyn finds this one to be interesting to talk to. Refers to him as 'Beginner' due to the other only just setting out on his journey.
just about spilled his entire life story to this one too... and gave him his real name. BRB COMMITTING SEPPUKU
» Nayru (
oracleof_ages) - Not Wisest ;__;
» Nayru (
sapientia_deia - ... STILL NOT WISEST DX
» Saria (
forest_inexile) - a shadow version of his Goddess' main sage? What? D8 She's sweet though, and he would never wish harm on her but... DOES NOT COMPUTE!
» Shadow (
into_light) - met him while on a memory loss. Seems like a nice guy. 8Db
» Shadow (
shadowofthehero) - The second shadow. Once again, met when the other was going through the clothes swap curse. This one has big dreams and that's a cause for concern...
» Silvan (
saviorofhyrule) - Their first meeting was Silvan's second entrance. They spoke, and he's the one that tipped Llwyn off to just how wrong this place is. Oddly enough, he finds this one's lack of memory a relief.
» Zelda (
jewel_of_hyrule) - Resembles Alethea and also adds to Llwyn's homesickness. She's nice though. Thankful that there's enough people caring about her so he can choose to ignore the Princess.
» Zelda (
twilights_taint) - ...
If Llwyn has spoken with your character but isn't on the list, please leave a comment here and I'll add him/her/it ASAP.