Character Information
Real Name: Andrew ‘Andy’ Bergman
Alias: The Jersey Devil
Character Journal:
keepinitsaucyFandom: Original Character
Approximate Age: 24
Andy is a huge dork. He tries really hard to be a good person, to do the right thing, all of that, but it seems that his own two feet have a habit of getting in the way, messing up anything and everything that he tries to accomplish. His heroic endeavors usually end up poorly for him, oftentimes accidentally aiding his superfoes rather than stopping them.
He does mean well, though, and his heart is in the right place. If anything can be said about Andy, it’s that he’s a nice guy. Though try as hard as he might, he’s still fairly socially awkward and has trouble connecting to people. He tries hard to impress, sometimes too hard, and that tends to turn people off to him, so he withdraws into his own little world of monster fighting and video games. The only person he seems to be really close to is his little cousin, Theodore, who also happens to double as his sidekick.
Andy also has the tendency to get lost in his own fantasy world. He used to run a few games and plays lots more video games. While this gave him a healthy sense of imagination, it often led to him being picked on as a nerd at school, again making it hard for him to connect with people.
Even though he’s enthralled with being a superhero, Andy has no other real life ambitions. He’s content to live the life that he has and doesn’t really aspire to much else. The whole superhero thing is the only taste he’s had for anything of the sort, but that plays mostly into his desire to be something that he’s not.
Hero / Anti-Hero / Villain / Civilian: Hero
Andy has only one superpower and that is to turn into the Jersey Devil, a horse-headed implike creature with tiny batwings. He can change this form at will and, while the Jersey Devil, has enhanced strength, speed, and all of that good stuff. Beyond that, nothing else supernatural.
He doesn’t have any out of the ordinary skills. He’s pretty imaginative and creative when it comes to storytelling, as he’s constantly coming up with campaigns with his little cousin.
Jersey Devil Costume | Hand crafted lovingly by his mother for what she supposed was another of her son’s LARPing expeditions.
Super Awesome Backpack | Actually, it’s just a regular backpack that holds his costume and is pimped out with geek patches and the like, but it’s Andy’s favourite man purse.
Andy is clumsy as all get out and seems to be extremely unlucky. His wins at fighting and actually saving anyone are exactly zero, no matter how hard he tries. The supervillains of his world consider it a plus when he and his cousin show up to do battle with one of the real superheroes there. It makes things easier for them.
Andy is also incredibly socially awkward and doesn’t really understand how to talk to people beyond family, so his relationships are usually hard to establish or tentative at best.
Brief History:
Andy grew up in a Small Town in New Jersey located next to a nuclear power plant. Really, he a normal life up until the time that he hit puberty when, as we all know, changes start happening.
Unfortunately, those changes were just a little more than he had bargained for when he one night found himself transformed into what he would later dub the Jersey Devil. At first, Andrew was terrified, as he should rightly be, but soon he began to embrace this new ability.
Not long after, his mother’s sister gave birth to his baby cousin, Theodore, and Andy’s family up and moved from Small Town to yet another one, Griggstown. Andy never used his power for much except to entertain Theo has the child grew up, who became enthralled with his older cousin’s ability.
Andy never aspired to much as he got older. He went to college for a year before dropping out and coming back to live in his parent’s basement. That seemed pretty alright with him and he still had Theo to keep him company.
It wasn’t until one rainy afternoon that the boys were playing video games down in Andy’s basement bachelor pad that the idea hit them. Their conversation went something like this:
Theo: Hey, you wanna know what would be really cool?
Andy: What?
T: If we were superheroes.
And from that day on, they were set. Andy took the name of Jersey Devil and Theo (after much arguing over the lameness) became the Griggstown Cow.
Together they... well. They didn’t stop much crime, but they tried.