[OOC Information]
Name: Avie
Age: 25
AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: aviekokyre @ AIM / gmail / LJ
What characters do you play here already, if any? formerly Agent BA-4 "Derek"
[IC Information]
Character Name: Agent BA-4 "Derek"
Series: Elite Beat Agents
Gender: male
Age: mid twenties
Species: human
A secret agent usually has a common appearance that screams "secret agent." This includes a black suit with a white dress shirt and black tie, a pair of constantly worn shades, a built figure, and a near constant frown showing people that he is focused, reserved, and won't get distracted. Standing stiffly with arms crossed and seeming very aloof is a common stance.
Derek has all that plus a giant red afro.
He's one of the taller agents, reaching six feet, not including the hair. His pair of blank dancing shoes may be a bit more worn than others as they've seen more missions from his role as a backup dancer, but Derek keeps them shined up all the same. Derek's also the EBA's resident insomniac, and his face shows it as evident by lines near tired blue eyes. However, said eyes are usually hidden behind his red tinted shades except for when he lets down his guard and relaxes. And during those times, one might see a smile.
For all of the serious expressions he presents to the world, one would think that Derek was an uncaring, stern man. He speaks briefly and a bit blunt at times. However, he's not at all like that. Any hard-face seriousness is most likely the result of him paying attention and not letting himself get distracted. He does this a lot for his emotions, afraid of not being able to take action when needed. Some things are only know as that they are or it happened; no amount of thinking will change that. It's better to accept and move on. The downside of this is that Derek isn't always aware of how he's truly feeling mentally and physically, and should he ever feel like he's not in control of his emotions, he may freeze up completely or hide from people until he does.
Derek will quickly lend a hand or shoulder to those who needs it and will watch their back. He's very accepting and forgiving. He knows what it's like to be on one's own, so if he sees someone needing help and no one has, he'll try to do something. Similarly, if no one starts an action or says something Derek thinks should happen, Derek will to get things moving.
He's also very loyal and dedicated to almost a fault. When something goes wrong, he is very likely to blame himself and feel like he failed them. Derek will work himself well past his limits if allowed. Coupled with a strong outward focus, this could lead him to do some very stupid and dangerous things all for the benefit of another. Derek is very protective of others, especially his friends and family. He will take a hit for someone and then ask if the other person is okay, nevermind that his arm's bleeding and has been poisoned. He works best in a team for this reason; someone can keep an eye on him and know when he's under more strain than he realizes.
And he does have a sense of humor! Only, people may not know he's joking because he says things with a straight face, normal tone, and sometimes, what he says comes from left field. It's rumored that the codename and afro originated from a joke that had gone on too long or got misunderstood. Derek won't say.
Not much is known about the Elite Beat Agents, much less about the Agents themselves. (Meaning most of this is fanon and headcanon.) If asked about his past, Derek would only say that he was once a security guard at a car company and not much more... though actions and words might hint that he had gone through a personal hell for many years earlier in his life. The other Agents know a lot more specifics about him, and his history has possibly become the least classified amongst the family team. It had been a huge breech of protocol, but no one will argue against it being desperately needed.
Within the EBA, Derek had participated in numerous missions as one of two supporting dancers for Chieftain, J, and Spin. The missions and targets were varied. They helped people from the babysitter asking a football player to go steady to the down-on-his-luck baseball player fighting a fire-breathing golem. They also helped Leonardo da Vinci woo the Mona Lisa, a white blood cell fight a virus, a dog to return home, a little girl see her deceased father for Christmas... an oil baron earning back his riches to impress the woman who kicked him out... No matter who needed the help, the Elite Beat Agents would support them, help them realize their own strength, that they were not alone, and that they could overcome their trials.
Then, the Rhombulans came and threatened life as Derek knew it. They cast petrifying rays over major cities across the globe, banned music, and started to imprison the population in camps. The Elite Beat Agents could only watch as things turned for the worse. Their past targets had been capture and cried for help once more. The EBA answered... only to fail as they couldn't unite everyone. The fear and panic were too strong; they were too divided. In a last ditch effort to save those they failed to help, the EBA ran in front one of the lasers... The entire Agency turned to stone taking the hit that was meant for the people who had believed they could help them.
Only by the faith of a little girl, who would not give up, did the EBA escape their fates as statues. Others who had been petrified also began to break free, and the world united in a world wide dance party. The energy everyone had created was tremendous as the EBA channeled the Music and the hearts of millions. It shot out to the Rhombulan mothership ending the invasion. The EBA then left with a wave, back to their lives of secrecy, back to being apart from the populous.
In the relief and peace that briefly followed, the Agents got to have a beach vacation, though Derek might have arrived a little after most of them. How often did he get to drive the vehicles much less have the opportunity to have a joy ride? Then it had been back to work as usual, with the occasional time off to goof around with his family at HQ... that is until he wound up in Chicago.
Again. However, he doesn't remember what happened the first time. Derek doesn't even know other Agents had also been in Chicago at one point. This is all new to him.
Supernatural Abilities:
To an Elite Beat Agent, the world is filled with music. First, everyone has his or her own individual melody. Mood, emotion, thoughts, the spirit of a person (and spirits and some inanimate objects) are heard as changes, remixes in a tune, and by interpreting the changes, Derek can use it to understand a person on another level, a type of empathy. This also includes matching and avoiding movements of another for Derek. For instance, if someone throws a punch at him, the person's melody will give him a vague, quick signal to which he can try to avoid. Try. Derek still has to interpret what he heard and move correctly.
Then there is the Music of the world that mixes the melodies of everyone and everything into an overall music, one that can be channeled into an incredible motivating force and allows incredible feats to be accomplished. People may start moving to an unheard rhythm or perhaps even think they're hearing music playing. The Music tells the Agents how to move, but there is a risk to taking on a mission. If the Agents can't motivate, the target (and the Agents) fail, and the target ends up in a worse situation than before.
Supernatural Weaknesses:
In Chicago, this overall Music has fallen into a muffled static at best making it extremely hard to dance to and channel unless things get absolutely terrible, and the range he can hear a person's melody from has decreased greatly. The NPC inhabitants sound like a tune masked in white static, more than a little eerie to Derek. And while he's likely not to fully realize, much less admit it, Derek will feel "off" from more than just the silence and unfamiliar surroundings. The Music that normally supports him won't in Chicago. This could translate to as little as Derek feeling a little more drained than normal to feeling ill if he hears the Music while it's incredibly warped and not normal.
And if someone's melody is incredibly, god-like, proud tiger, loud, Derek will get one heck of a headache and will want silence and many cups of coffee after. He's used to loud music but not that loud.
While not a supernatural weakness, small, cute things and little kids always get the upper hand on Derek. He'll let them walk all over him, sometimes literally.
Natural Abilities:
Derek knows self defense and a good bit of offense, which includes hand-to-hand and use of a nightstick. He has kept up the skills and his strength "just in case" he ever needed to protect those who are closest to him. From his work as a dancing Agent, Derek has very good stamina, flexibility, and agility but nothing superhuman. He can also drive a myriad of vehicles, though he doesn't often actually get the chance to besides jetpacks. One can also say that the hair could be used as a hiding place for small items, but Derek won't like it much and avoids doing so.
Possessions: Derek will bring with him the suit he's wearing, a pair of red tinted shades, his rarely used badge, his wireless microphone, a small wireless earpiece for communications, and... a stylish looking fedora that looks like it doesn't actually belong to Derek...
First-person POV journal sample:
[public: text]
Chicago may be the Windy City, but this is too much. I almost lost my hat. [Okay, it's not actually his, but for the purposes of the post, he'll pretend it is.] Did the weather forecaster call for this kind of weather? Is that why no one's out here? I don't even see that many cars on the streets.
I must have missed the warning. Does anyone know of a place to wait out the storm? Also, which channel should I be watching to make sure I don't miss the next warning?
[public: voice]
This may be the Windy City, but it's too much. Almost lost my hat. [Okay, it's not actually his, but for the purposes of the post, he'll pretend it is.] Did the weather forecaster call for this? That why no one's out here? Don't even see that many cars.
Must have missed the warning. Anyone know of a place to wait out the storm? And what channel to watch for warnings?
Third-person POV rp sample:
The act had been a routine one. Morris would be walking down the hall. Derek would speed up past him, snatching his partner's fedora, and send it flying down the hall like a Frisbee. Morris would glare at him, maybe even say a few choice words or give a punch in the shoulder, and then go fetch his hat. Derek would smirk on the inside, maybe even laugh, and then they would continue whatever as normal, like nothing had happened. Because it was just routine.
But, something happened this time as Derek lifted the fedora off the head of the other Agent.
Derek was consumed with a dizziness and tired feeling which now begun to fade away, leaving silence in its place. That uncomfortable silence made Derek uneasy before he even registered that he was not where he should be. Anyone nearby would have seen an uncharacteristic expression of shock on Derek's face once he did. As quick as record scratch, Derek halted his throw of the fedora and pulled it back toward his chest. "... The hell?" The owner of the previously mentioned fedora wasn't to be found either.
Letting the hat hang from the tips of his fingers, Derek reached with his free hand to by his ear where a tiny wireless earpiece was, partially obscured by red locks. "Derek, here. HQ, give me a location." He was here; time to figure out what he could do about that. Maybe the time machine caused some kind of anomaly during maintenance... "HQ?" Nothing but static. Derek was on his own for... whatever this was. He was cut off from the others, but with a little luck, they'd be able to find him using the EBA's trackers.
Meanwhile, he needed to get to some place less out in the open. This was Chicago, right? They had the giant metallic bean somewhere. It would have to be solely appearance though. Chicago had a lot more people, and this place was too quiet to be the actual city. The EBA had a mission there once. It was loud, as loud as any major city should be. But there were remote islands in the middle of the ocean that sounded louder than this place. Music aside, where were the people?
An angry growl, lacking a beat to accompany it, interrupted Derek's musings. He shoved the stolen fedora best he could into his pocket and brought out his microphone as he stared down glowing eyes.
This was going to be interesting...