Jun 27, 2011 03:33

too lazy to edit

-- brokenRecord [BR] began pestering striderStyle [SS] at 00:40 --

BR: are there like a bunch of people going over there now

BR: or what

SS: uh

SS: that depends on whether or not castor comes.

BR: lame

SS: but just come ok

SS: shhh just come

BR: i was hoping there wouldnt be a lot of people there but that was pretty dumb there always is

SS: well

SS: lil sis is occupyin the restroom.

SS: and dave's in his room.

SS: like always.

SS: hell if you don't wanna come over here,

SS: let's just go to one of the many other rooms on the strider floor.

BR: i guess i just kind of

BR: wanted to

BR: ...

BR: .................

BR: this is really uncool

BR: nevermind

SS: oh no you don't.

SS: c'mon, let's hear this.

SS: oi.

SS: oi.

SS: oi.

SS: oi.

SS: oi.

SS: oi.

SS: hey.

SS: hey.

BR: holy shit shut up sis

SS: hey.

SS: lol

SS: let's hear it.

SS: c'mon.

BR: i wanted to talk or something i dont know

SS: ok

SS: let's talk.

SS: you still gotta choose whether we're going to chill out in one of the other rooms or if we're going to do it the elder strider style.

BR: i dont care

BR: maybe another room

SS: ok

BR: this is already seriously uncool enough without other striders hearing

SS: hahaha,

SS: unless it's something like

SS: i'm becoming an egbert and i am pregnant with a troll baby

SS: it won't be that bad.

SS: oh,

SS: if you're going to tell me that you fell in love with bro and you're going to live happily ever after in some castle or some shit

SS: then i'm disowning you.

SS: but other than that.

SS: we chill.

SS: anyway,

SS: top floor

BR: ok good im probably fine then

SS: room at the far left way back.

SS: yeah thought so.

SS: invite yourself in.

SS: am i still here ))

SS: cool ))

SS: ok ))

SS: go ))

BR: [dave takes a bit longer than he usually would to show up, but soon enough he's at the door she specified, just opening it without a knock]

BR: sup

SS: [ she's already there, sitting back on one of the couches that are present in the room. it's a simple room, really, with nothing but the kitchen and a bed and a few couches, accompanied by a television with several game consoles (and games with those). another door is near the bed, and that's probably the bathroom but unless you're jade and you want to hang out there, sis is not expecting you to g

SS: o straight over there. instead, she nods her head towards a couch adjacent to the one she occupied. ]

SS: sup.


BR: ((LMAO))

SS: W E L P ))


BR: [dave's not a sim, he doesn't chill in bathrooms. and that's the end of that. dave's chewing on the inside of his lip, second guessing his decision to run off to sis. again. his poker face is pretty obviously failing, which a strider would notice right away. as if the fact he actually wanted to "talk" wasn't enough of a tip off. he breathes... and crosses the room to the couch to sink in beside sis, not really looking at her once he makes it there.]

BR: so yeah

BR: shit happened obviously

BR: nothing much to say i dont know why i thought this was a good idea

SS: pff, why'ssat?

BR: it was dumb

BR: the reason im here is dumb

SS: let's hear this dumb reason then.

BR: [he's quiet for a minute... only as long as he's sure sis is patient enough to wait, anyway.]

BR: its jane

BR: i dont know

BR: i fucked up

BR: badly

SS: ah.

SS: lady problems.

BR: yeah like i said dumb

SS: so, what.

SS: is it like the kind of thing that you can't apologize for and it'll be good

BR: yeah pretty much

SS: *can ))

SS: oh welp ))

BR: ((oh whoops))


SS: so what happened.

BR: i told her i liked her basically

BR: actually she asked but whatever

BR: she was ok with it kind of

SS: uh huh.

BR: she said she liked me too even

BR: but theres a couple of spidertrolls

BR: i fucking hate spidertrolls

SS: spidertrolls

SS: what did these spidertrolls do.

BR: shes into them too

BR: she doesnt want to decide or whatever

SS: well they are hot.

SS: but anyway.

SS: so basically this is like a love triangle

SS: or something.

SS: she likes spidertroll and likes you and you like her and what

SS: does spidertroll like her too

BR: yeah

BR: two of them

SS: wow

BR: so its a weird square thing

BR: ones a dude

SS: jane attracts all the spidertrolls.

BR: basically

SS: and jane

SS: likes all these spidertrolls.

SS: and you too.

BR: yep

SS: ok

SS: my question is

SS: why is polyamoury not allowed.

BR: i just got done telling you i fucking hate spidertrolls sis

BR: come on

SS: well troll quadrants got this hatemance bullshit thing going on right

BR: im not a troll

BR: quadrants are shit

BR: dont care

SS: look at your last name and rethink that

SS: ikr

SS: they are

SS: ok

SS: so

SS: battle for romance.

SS: beat up spidertrolls ==> look like some idk nic cage-esque thing to jane ==> ??? ==> girlfriend get

BR: i was right this is dumb

BR: jane would flip her shit

BR: shes already flipping her shit

SS: why.

BR: i thought itd be a good idea to go all sincerity power hour

BR: now she hates herself and probably also me

SS: welp.

SS: y

SS: did you tell her you hated spidertrolls

BR: i kind of hate myself too im still falling down all this sincerity

BR: yeah

BR: i told her she should just run off with them and have her spidertroll orgy

SS: wow

SS: is that sincerity

BR: ok maybe not

SS: gj.

SS: so

SS: is there anything else

SS: or is that it

BR: i said something shitty to her and she ran off i dont know what shes up to now

BR: i almost went to go find her but thatd probably make shit worse so sup here i am

BR: and thats it

SS: ok

SS: so all that sounds like it needs is a good sincere apology

SS: and prolly a talk with her.

BR: thats not going to fix anything shes still stuck in her stupid mattsprite square or what the fuck ever

SS: well at least you guys won't be like

SS: oh no i told her to fuck off i'm the worst person ever brb killing self

SS: amirite?

BR: i guess

SS: anyway, rushin won't do her no good.

SS: you really like her? then let her choose on her own.

SS: but personally

SS: i'd just have a battle royale for 'er.

SS: you gotta fight for your woman man

BR: thats retarded

SS: but don't go up to the spidertroll and be like sup ok i'm going to beat you up

SS: no you have to have a tourney.

SS: eh.

SS: works in the animus.

SS: ok, no seriously.

BR: maybe next time im in an anime ill do that

SS: lol

SS: but no,

SS: fight for her.

SS: not in the punching kind ok

SS: more like idk romancing her and shit.

SS: what i can tell is that all these john/jane egberts are fascinated by spidertrolls because they be

SS: idk

SS: friends or some shit.

SS: but you're her bro, dude.

SS: got a way better chance than any spidertroll stranger.

BR: i guess

BR: she didnt even know me though she had debb

BR: thats not the same

SS: 'course it aint.

SS: and those ain't her spidertrolls.

SS: from her universesession thing.

BR: the dude one is

SS: ok kick the dude one's ass.

BR: ok

SS: anyway

SS: are you more upset over upsetting her

SS: or more upset over the spidertroll thing.

BR: both i guess

SS: well duh.

BR: i flipped my shit over the second thing and thats why the first thing happened

BR: equal shitflipping is going on over here

SS: haha,

SS: well like i said.

SS: first issue's more something a sincere apology can fix.

SS: second one, not so much.

SS: but she's a girl worth fightin for, ain't she?

BR: yeah

SS: then fight, goddammit.

BR: ok

BR: i guess

SS: [ to be quite honest, sis is not really sure of what to say. but she's.. trying. just go beat them up dave, gosh. ]

SS: [ SHE HAS NEVER HAD ROMANCE PROBLEMS 8T ok yes she did but she can get whoever she wants, so not really. ]

SS: idk just

SS: apologizin won't get rid of the fact that she still got three suitors.

SS: and obvsly you don't want spidertrolls in this romance.

SS: so let her know you be fighting for her.

SS: in the romance way.

SS: with the challenges and shit.

SS: but if she don't want it, she's gonna have to pick.

SS: it's kinda tough.

SS: but hey,

SS: beating them up is an option too.

SS: okok

BR: shed get pissed at me if i beat them up

BR: so i guess i just have to do the dumb romance fighting thing

BR: plus theyre god tier theyd probably kick my ass

BR: two gods vs one dave im fucked

BR: i dont know if i can do this romance shit either our relationship is practically based on pokemon and arguing over whether she has tits or not

-- striderStyle [SS] is now an idle chum! --


-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 01:35 --

AG: Hey Dave.

AG: Daaaaaaaave.

AG: Touch me.

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 01:35 --

BR: holy shit

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 01:35 --

AG: lol!!!!!!!!

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 01:35 --

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 03:39 --

AG: Hey Dave.

BR: what the fuck do you want

AG: Whaaaaaaaat do you think I want? :::;)

AG: Oh no, is the human 8oy mad????????

BR: im not mad

BR: i really dont care

BR: say whatever youre going to say

AG: That means usually something is wrong.

AG: Jeeze Dave.

BR: everythings fucking fantastic

BR: havent you looked outside

BR: the birds are singing its a beautiful

BR: night

AG: Wow.

AG: Yeah, you're definitely pissed.

BR: the grass is green its a fucking miracle

AG: You're also a terri8le liar.

AG: So who pissed in your cereal, Dave?

BR: no im an awesome liar just ask jane

BR: howie mandel

BR: howie mandel pissed in my fruity pebbles

AG: I will.

AG: Jegus fuck, someone is going to have to clean that up.

BR: dont ask her i dont even know where she is

AG: She's with me. ::::)

BR: it was a double joh ok

AG: lol

BR: cool

AG: You know.

AG: You could 8e over here too.

BR: i shouldve signed off

AG: With her, me, and you.

AG: Hahahahahahaha!

AG: No, it's good you didn't!

AG: I guess this means you really ARE interested in Jane!

BR: fucking hate spidertrolls

AG: You're so non-likea8le too, Dave.

BR: yeah a lot of effort goes into that

AG: So much effort, you won't 8elieve it. ::::)

AG: Well, there's nothing you can do a8out it.

AG: Either way, we'll 8e around Jane...

AG: W8 for it.

AG: ........Fooooooooreeeeeeeeveeeeeeeer.

BR: no

BR: you will

BR: god tiers live forever

BR: have fun with your pajama party

AG: lol

AG: Come on Dave.

AG: This is where you say...

AG: "Oh shiet no I can't allow this to happen, I'm coming over right now" or some kind of 8ullshit like that.

BR: too bad thats not what im actually saying

BR: are you disappointed

AG: Yes, I am!!!!!!!!

AG: lol!

AG: Can't you teeeeeeeell how disappointed I am????????

BR: im a disappointment vampire i feed off of your distress

BR: shits delicious

BR: like blueberry bubblegum or something

AG: Oh noooooooo I feel faint already. ::::)

AG: ...Somehow this is reminding me of Terezi.

BR: funny how that would happen

BR: vriska you smell pretty good too bad youre such a bitch

AG: Hahahaha!

AG: ...

BR: is that a hint of citrus

BR: should i sniff a little harder or what give me a hand here

AG: Ugh, Dave.

AG: I didn't realize it until now.

AG: I really h8 you.

BR: good to know

AG: H8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8 h8!!!!!!!!

AG: You're an asshole who doesn't know sh8t.

BR: thats a lotta h4t3

BR: i mean h8

AG: Yeah and it's 8nly for you D8ve, so you 8etter treasure it.

AG: Watch your 8ack.

BR: i dunno plenty of people hate me

BR: im kind of a douchebag if you havent noticed

BR: what makes you so special

AG: 8ecause I'll hunt you down myself.

BR: oh shit im shaking in my socks

BR: the spoon halfway to my mouth is shaking i think im gonna spill some milk and howie piss

AG: What a fucking douche8ag. ::::)

BR: yep

AG: Daaaaaaaave, I will make your life more of a living hell than it already is. <3<

AG: You hear me?

AG: Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

BR: wow was that a tree

BR: cute

AG: You fucking moron.

AG: You know what it is!

AG: You've 8een around here for l8ke how long?

BR: looks like a tree but ok

BR: yeah i know what it is

BR: i look forward to my new living hell i hope its less boring than the last one

AG: Asshole.

BR: then again this is you so i dont expect much

AG: ...

AG: ::::)

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 04:05 --

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 04:20 --

AG: Dave.

AG: Daaaaaaaave.

AG: Dave!

BR: what

AG: Touch me.

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 04:20 --

BR: k

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 04:20 --

AG: Hahahaha, fuck you.

-- anacampticsGonoph [AG] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 04:20 --
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