Gee... I forgot how many classes they make you take in high school. In college you take much less... its like being on permanent vacation (well, until finals at least - then you need to do 2 hours of cramming).
Seriously, I chose the wrong school, it seems. I honestly had several hours of homework a night for the last few years (mostly due to Japanese and calculus, but government and the science classes [and especially labs] really upped the workload, too); hearing so many people talk about how college is so much less time consuming than high school makes me wonder what I was thinking going to UT...
Asswipe sounds about right, but I have to admit, from what I've heard he's done well in the past as a teacher. I just didn't feel that way myself (he spends WAY too much time bragging about himself and his daughters). In fact, if he'd spent half the time he spent talking about himself on actually teaching us biology, I might have a slightly different major right now...
Yeah, but when he toke over my Biology class (due to teacher leaving under rumored circumstances) he talked less about him self and more about E.R. incidence. Though come to think about it there where like four people in the class that walked in and asks him a question before class start and he talked then handed up work sheets that a 6th grader could do. We got to look through the book, but I got the impression he didn't really care about teaching and more like keeping us busy till the bell rang so he could get rid of us. He jsut handed us passing grades since he gave us the option of taking the final test or not. I don't think any one showed up then.
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