I REALLY AM NOT DEAD YET!!! ^______________^ (And I'm Graduated! And Have A Job!)

Mar 08, 2011 19:24


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Comments 11

bf_nightingale March 8 2011, 19:38:12 UTC
Na das war ja lang überfällig! <3


Ok, ich geb's zu, ein klaaaiiin wenig neidisch bin ich ja auch, du bist endlich fertig UND hast noch gleich und ohne Umwege einen Job gefunden, ich glaub besser kann's kaum werden.^_^ Viel Glück mit deinem Job (und wohl auch dafür etwas autoritärer zu werden), und gute Besserung. Wobei die Krücken ja nicht gerade etwas neues sind, ich habe dich schonmal besucht als du Krücken hattest. Wie machst du das nur immer? ._.

Und auf die Geschichte deiner Freundin bin ich auch gespannt. Ich hoffe es ist ihr nichts ernstes passiert, weswegen sie jetzt zu euch zieht?


kegom March 8 2011, 23:15:39 UTC
Jahaaa, ich geb's ja zu, ich hab echt ewig für diesen kleinen Post gebraucht...^^"

Vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche, ich nehme gerne mehr als einen davon in Empfang!

Mit dem Job hatte ich echt einfach total Glück - es war schon ein totaler Zufall, dass ich gerade in dem Moment da stand und noch einen Job brauchte, als meine Kommilitonin ankam und erzählte, dass da diese Schule, die sie kennt, unbedingt noch eine Lehrkraft bräuchte... ich glaube, so einen Zufall gibt es echt nur selten! Ich drücke dir aber GANZ DOLL die Daumen, dass dir auch so ein Zufall über den Weg läuft! &hearts

Jaaaa, die Krücken. ^^" Nein, ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich das schaffe, ich weiß nur, dass es immer zu dem Zeitpunkt kommt, wenn ich es gerade überhaupt nicht gebrauchen kann. Zum Beispiel, wenn ich gerade auf einer Jugendfreizeit als Betreuerin bin und danach meine Freundin aus Frankreich zu Besuch kommt... Oder wenn ich halt an einer neuen Schule anfange und das nun mal so gar nicht gebrauchen kann. -____-" Ich hoffe bloß wirklich, dass das, ebenso ( ... )


still_ciircee March 8 2011, 21:07:37 UTC
HURRAY FOR GRADUATION AND A JOB! I'm very proud of you. ♥♥♥ I'm sorry you are sick AND injured, however. *patpat* But still--thrilled that you are free of school...for yourself.


kegom March 8 2011, 23:30:18 UTC
THANK YOU! &hearts

Yeah, being sich and injured is kind of annoying... though to me it seems a bit as if, by making me sick in addition to having the injury, my body wanted to make sure that, for once, I was actually staying put with my leg put up, instead of hopping around on my crutches like I'd always do at school during the day. ^^"


guiltyschu March 8 2011, 21:57:45 UTC
Congratulations on your new job and graduating! I'm glad you've been doing so well during your absence! Except with the whole sickness and rupturing muscles thing, that's not so great...hope you get better quickly. :S


kegom March 8 2011, 23:32:18 UTC
Thank you very much! And yes, I'm sure it will pass soon! The stuff with the ruptured muscle has already gone on for nearly a month and that's usually the kind of time it takes for that to heal. I still notice the muscle when I walk downstairs and for longer distances I still need the crutches, but inside the house, I don't have to use them at all anymore, so it's already a lot better. ^-^


flange5 March 9 2011, 00:57:13 UTC


And again, I'm so sorry you've been injured. AND NOW ALSO SICK >_<;;; I guess that's one way to keep you off of your foot . . .

Can I offer you a congratulatory something? Picspam? Costume roast/homage? A specially decorated set of sparkly cookies?

Graduations are special--I'm glad you had a proper one &hearts And I'm so happy you found a job so quickly and that you have good colleagues and enjoy the teaching. It sounds like you've got a challenging first job, honestly. I wish you all the best&hearts


kegom March 9 2011, 16:17:33 UTC
Thank you ( ... )


\o/ rhythmia March 9 2011, 04:38:11 UTC
Yaaaaaaay congratulations! You're alive! You defeated the politicking with your exams! You finished all the exams! You're graduated! And employed! Yay many lovely reasons to celebrate! <33333 I'm so happy for you, and would be curious to hear about your adventures at your school a la Aki. :P ( ... )


Re: \o/ kegom March 9 2011, 17:11:30 UTC
I'm alive, yes! ^-^ And yeah, the politicking. -_-" In the end, the professor who'd taught us wasn't allowed to examine us, because the university was just more powerful than she was and forbid it, which made me quite sad. Luckily, the professor who I was examined by was very friendly towards her and us students, and the preparation my professor had given us was so good that I got a straight "A" in that exam ( ... )


I'm getting into bad habits again, I see. -_-" (Part 2) kegom March 9 2011, 17:12:05 UTC
Changing topics, yes, I'm not really all that much into Arashi fandom at the moment either. ^^" I do try to keep up with stuff a bit, but my problem with their current popularity is that there's just too much for me to keep up with. I don't think I've heard any of their latest singles, because they came in such quick succession that, whenever I realized that they had another single out, there was already the next one coming! And since I also have other stuff that interests me (the one brother who's still living at home really loves old buddy-cop series and I've been kind of drawn into all the old series, like "Starsky and Hutch", or "Magnum", or "The Professionals"), I have even less time to devote to Arashi... But to be honest, I'm actually kind of enjoy just keeping a loose connection to Arashi fandom and enjoy the sparkles, whenever I catch them. ^-^

Feel free to ramble to me about Super Junior M, though! ^-^ I'm not into them, but I know enough about them to know who you're talking about. (That sentence was horribly convoluted,


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