Name: Kyoko Nozaki
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: October 30th
Grade Average: B
History: Kyoko comes from a pretty average family. At the age of 6 her parents decided to give her a Cello of a birthday present and it is probably the only really considerate thing that her parents have given her. Her parents are decent people it’s just that they work so often that they hardly see each other. Hard work tended to be a habit as Kyoko put in a lot of hours into her studying. Her Cello skills increased as she got older and she played for the school orchestra and school musical. She actually just got accepted to be the Cellist for (Insert name here), which she starts in two months. After her parents forgot about multiple birthdays, concert recitals, and basically her existence she couldn’t take it anymore, she needed some kind of support system. One night she left a note on the fridge door saying she was running away. She ran away to her uncle’s house, Kenshin Takagi, she knew that he would give her the kind loving care she needed. He agreed to let her stay just as long as she works around the bookstore on occasion and that she wrote to the parents on a regular basis. Kyoko didn’t have to tell them where she was but Kenshin felt that Isamu and Ania should at least know that she was okay. Kyoko didn’t disagree with these terms because she didn’t want to banish her parents from her life. Kyoko asked Kenshin to inform her about her parents as well to see how they are doing but it’s never anything interesting all they do is work still. Searching for something to fill her empty void she met Junpei Aiba one day as she was waiting to be seated at her favorite eating place (enter name of place). While they were in line they started to talk which led to Junpei joining her for dinner. They started dating ever since. A little bit later the same year Eizo Horiguchi started to send her romantic cards, flowers, and then one day he stole a kiss from her cheek. Kyoko was so heart struck she started to date him as well. (changing to something different thats not yet decided) She became torn. Here were two guys she truly cared for and she couldn’t decide who to pick. She remained a virgin to respect each boy because she hadn’t made a decision. With all the work, Cello performances, school work, and two boyfriends she sometimes overextends herself but for the most part she can handle. There are those very few days when it’s all hard to handle and she separates herself from the world to breakdown but those days rarely happen.
Appearance: On first appearance Kyoko can seem as a rather plain looking girl but on closer inspection she can be described as cute and sophisticated. Her brown eyes give off a sense of wisdom while making her face mature and kind. Her dainty nose is at an adequate size as well as her mouth. Kyoko never wears make-up, worrying that it would ruin her facial appearance by covering it repeatedly. Her shoulder jet-black hair is always smooth and straight, never tied up unless needed to. Kyoko doesn’t personally care much for styling it but she makes sure to use good conditioner and to brush it daily. Her weight, again, is a nice size of 109. Although Kyoko does have the figure to wear any kind of outfit she desires she rather stay in simple dresses and trousers out of school. Even though her clothes are not fashionable Kyoko always do look pleasant and sweet, always making sure what's she wearing is suitable for the occasion. Even though Kyoko only wears plain black glasses for reading she has been told that it makes her look more intelligent which she although appreciates doesn’t really like wearing them due to how irritable they can be.
Personality: Kyoko is relatively nice but tends to keep to herself. She tends to watch everyone more than actively interact with them. She isn’t shy though because when she is having a conversation she holds on to it and keeps it going. She would rather hang out with a small group of people rather than a large group. Since at home she spent a lot of time by herself she tended to think a lot about life and what truly makes her happy. Unfortunately she never tended to follow her own teachings but when she gives advice to other people she tends to be wiser and more helpful then most of the class. Although until someone asks for her help she tries to stay out of people business but just because she doesn’t get involved doesn’t mean she doesn’t know about the problem. In fact Kyoko knew a lot about everybody but didn’t gossip about them, she just took it all in. While she likes to be by herself she always wants to be talking to somebody but when she starts to talk to somebody she wants to be alone. It is an endless catch22 that conflicts her. She always appears to be very calm and smart even when juggling 600 hundred things. People always trusted her with big projects and she always took control when working on group work.
- Analyzer - Analyzes the situation looking for the best possible outcome.
- Wise - Wise with others but not with herself
- Clever - She can talk herself out of a lot of situation
- Calm - Can handle high stressed situations well
- Knows People - She knows a lot of information about students in her class.
- Indecisive - Can’t stick to a decision long when it comes to personal issues not when it comes to others
- Empty Void - Is always searching for someone to care for her.
- Secretive - She keeps a lot of her problems to herself because they are her problems no one can solve them but her. The only person she tells stuff to is her best friend Haruki Masato.
- Mental Breakdowns - When these rare occasions happen she tries to separate herself from the world.
Overnight Bag:
Family and Friends:
Ania Nozaki - (Mother) Ania is a Mortician. She works the late shift so she never gets to see her daughter. She is very sweet and caring but to give her family a pretty decent life she had to take this job to support them even though she hardly gets to see her family. When the program is held near (enter town here) the bodies get sent to her morgue to do the autopsies. Before Kyoko ran away Ania would watch her sleep when she came home from work but Kyoko was unaware of this fact.
Isamu Nozaki - (Father) Isamu works as an office worker for the Pokemon Company. Due to the amount of paperwork that goes along with working at the Pokemon Company even when Isamu comes home he goes into the study to do more paper work. So much work and they don’t even him pay him a decent amount but he doesn’t give up for some chance at a promotion. He did however bring home packs of extra Pokemon cards to give to Kyoko but she could care less about them. She ended up bringing them to school and giving them to people who actually liked them. Kyoko did see Isamu more often then Ania but he was always very distant with her and more preoccupied with his paperwork.
Kenshin Takagi - (Uncle) Kenshin is a bookstore owner along with being Ania’s older brother by 14 years. He is a very kind old man. He was always the weird, fun uncle that came over during holidays that made Kyoko laugh none stop. He always had this weird obsession with book and repeatedly spoke this phrase “Each book has its own story and each one should be treasured in its own way. Don’t mistreat a book the way you mistreat a human being.” which were words that was always in the back of Kyoko’s mind. When Kyoko ran away from home she ran to her uncle for a place to stay. He agreed but now she works in the shop after school.
Kei Aihara - Kyoko works at the bookstore with Kei and lives one floor above her. (See Kei’s profile for more.)
Haruki Masato - Haruki has been Kyoko’s best friend since primary school. (See Haruki’s profile for more.)
Junpei Aiba - Junpei is one of Kyoko’s boyfriends. (See Junpei’s profile for more.)
Eizo Horiguchi - Eizo is Kyoko's second boyfriend. (See Eizo's profile for more.)
Extra-Curricular Activities:
- Orchestra
- Music Club
- Book Club
Classroom Behavior: She is a good student and always is a good participant in class.
Would Kyoko play? Here is what Kyoko would do in a BR situation. First she would hide until the first report is read. She would gauge what she would do from how many people got killed. If less people were killed she would be more trusting if more people were killed she would be less trusting. She would play the game really smart. Once the first report is up she would start to search for people and when she finds a person she has a major objective. Her objective would be to decide if the person is worthy to live or not. Kyoko wouldn’t straight away shoot. Kyoko would talk to the person she grouped with and through that conversation decide if the person should live or not. In her mind only good people should win the game so she makes this decision for them. If she is in a group with one good person and one bad person she wouldn’t kill the bad person because she knows the good person might kill her. Kyoko wouldn’t play to win…however if Junpei and Eizo were to die she would snap and go on a killing spree even if they are a good person. This would be the only thing to make her have her mental breakdown.
Yuriko Yoshitaka
((Still In Construction))