So hmm
Random dream in which I finished off jolting awake after a massive (think at least 1 metre) daddy long legs perched on my bed.
Totally unrelated given mine was a work dream.
I meant to go with my boss and his niece for lunch-- they had to wait for me for ages coz I had to change out off my TCC uniform-- which I was wearing since I was showing HS students around.
One was Brad (Anto 1's) brother who was school captain of TCC.
Anyway when we got on our way-- I was looking through my bag and found my glasses completely messed up.
And when I was trying to fix it, it exploded in my hands and cut me quite long and deep on my calf.
I told them to go ahead and I went back to work so that I could get a bandaid.
But the lady who I thought was the first aid person turned out to not be and she sent me to someone else.
That lady was willing to do it but she'd miss a train home and would have to wait another hour so i told her not to worry about it.
She told me to go to the gym for the first aid kit.
(note: we do not have a real gym or a pool or a basketball court in the basement of my office building)
So off I went but the basement was like 5 floors deep and dark ass.
Everyone was being evacuated because of some maintenance.
But I needed the bandaids because by now blood was gushing quite heavily (though it didn't hurt).
So I evaded all the security people and got to the gym.
And apparently I had to FIGHT people in order to get my bandaid.
I had a team of course (I think it may have been 5 on 5).
The first bunch were yakuza and easy disposed of.
I don't know how many else were before the Irish gang but yeah they were memorable because Irish music was playing and they had leprechauns dancing around us.
The one guy on my team I remember (though all my team except for me were final fantasy characters and could levitate) was DBSK's Hero.
Or at least I think it's him.
He was in full Final Fantasy cosplay.
This is interesting because:
1- I don't listen to DBSK
2- he's not one of the two I saw w snsd
3- I've never played any final fantasy in my life although I do have a soft spot for Tidus.
That's about it.
I don't think I ever got the bandaid.
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