Oh yes, dear sirs and madams, I have attended a National Portfolio Day and I have came away from it confused and depressed. So depressed, infact, that my mother felt obligated to stop off at the nearest mall and confort me with Godiva and shopping.
Art colleges do NOT want you to be creative.
Art colleges do NOT want you to have any drawing skill whatsoever.
Atleast, that is the information the rep from Pratt institute told me as she picked through my babies born from my own imagination and translated into something the general public can relate to by my own two hands.
They want poorly rendered still lifes. 7 if you can stand it.
The rest should be self portraits. Realism is preferred.
They will teach you to draw. No prior skill required.
So I just wasted my time, yes? Since the 4th grade I thought being in an art related career would require such a skill. hum. Silly me.
But I am not saying part of this is not my fault. No. I should have known to include the boring pieces: the auditorium seats, the carkey still, blahblahblah. But I figure those skills would transfer into my inspired pieces. Guess not.
I can do them, believe you me. I just have no interest whatsoever of what is right here, right now. That's what cameras are for, to me anyways. It makes no sense to me why I would look at something already here in the world and then draw it EXACTLY the same. Why wouldn't I just take the photograph? I mean, it's right there. And talk about a time saver.
Now, if you can do the happy trees and shit and then place a...dragon in there, burning them down and have it still look like a photograph, good for you, you're done here, go make some fame. I see the point of knowing what things have to look like, I guess, but JAZZ IT UP, Y'ALL. But theses settings won't always be available, because that dragon could be from a village in 1500 b.c....Yeah, Now where is your god?
And colors. She BITCHED about my colors.
"Why don't you try to use a color in nature, instead of a color just because it looks pretty? You live in Ohio, you need to use to natural colors that Ohio has to offer and represent that in your art."
That just pissed me off so much. I HATE Ohio. That's why I'm in the line to be picked up by a school in BROOKLYN. I don't live in farm country, so I do not have the harvest colors, nor do I live in inner city with the neon signs. I live in a grey town with a sewage problem. Whoopdeedamndoo. Maybe I should go get my sketchbook and draw the fumes coming off the river and the roadkill on the highway. It's charming, I swear. Asshole.
She wanted me to add grey to everything. In a pencil or black-n-white, ok. To my vibrant contrast of red-headed Eve and green Satan-snake. Naw. It's bright for a reason, and the thing is shaded with darker colors as needed. I was taught to go easy on the blacks and greys when using color because they are so over powering. And adding grey to a color makes it look like dishwater 98% of the time. Even in a snowy scene, I've used blue to shade, it seems unnatural, but grey snow = that dirty shit slush that happens in the road after they've laid the salt down. Ugh. I like pretty and clear colors. Sorry, but it's true.
I'm not saying I won't do these crap assignments, but they will be half-heartedly because I'm not proud of such things.
Ok. Now that I feel better, i'll address a few more issues I have.
"A Vampire's Assistant" .....Is this supposed to a Cirque Du Freak? The trailer itself looks like vomit. Get it out of here. I LOVE Cirque du Freak. Nobody looks quite up to the roles. maybe Selma Hayek. As the Bearded lady. Maybe. But...*pathetic Groan* Really? that lameass guy from Step Brothers is Crepsley. And the deathly spider looks like an overweight extra prop from Spiderman. I hope to Jesus that this is a joke.
And EVRA is not a GANGSTA WHITEY WANNABE, or whatever that nonsense is.
Excuse me while I proceed to watch my childhood be raped and then set aflame.
"Avatar" and "The Last AirBender" confused me for the LONGEST time. I thought they were the same movie because, crazy me, the show is called "Avatar: The last Airbender" So I freaked out when I saw the trailer for "Avatar" because it's about blue people or something.
"Where The Wild Things Are" is opening soon and I. AM. EXCITED. Couldn't be more excited.
Annnnnnd. I'm going as Jem for Spirit Week. Not because I care about football, but because it's the only week I can go all out without getting in trouble for dressing disturbingly. and Halloween is on a Saturday so...I can't use that excuse either.