Title: Bedtime Stories
keikimiPairing: Tegomass
Summary: Tegoshi needed to find a way to sleep peacefully.
A/N: lol, a short drabble i wrote during chinese period, i was inspired because my teacher was discussing about the love of a mother, on how she prepares her kid for bed, and the story mentioned about reading bedtime stories... so yeah XD.
Bedtime stories don't make me sleepy. )
Comments 7
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i'm glad you liked it. ♥
Oh Tego.. he's cute ne...
(nope scratched that!)
becoming sexily sluttier
now, each time i look at him!
but always getting away with
that childlike smile of his! and this fic
is the winner for that.. That was super
adorable! I felt like hugging the monitor!
XDDDDDD It's short but kept me grinning
non-stop with just those few innocent sentences~
And i wanna hug Massu too! So sweet of him ne!
*whispers whispers*
I bet the book was titled, The 3 Little Pigs!!! XDDD
this is my fic journal :D
he's still cute even if he's becoming more sexily sluttier, :)) again, i'm always biased like that.
aw, i'm happy you liked it! :D i'm very very happy it kept you grinning just because of this short drabble, i'm really happy. :D
OMG, i was kind of thinking of that too! three little pigs really suits Massu doesn't it? :))
thank you for reading! ♥
fic journal? okie taking note of that ^^
yeah, he changed tremendously eh..
i mean, whatever he wears now will be WOW!
Tego should give us a break.. *breathes* XD
And yeah when you mentioned abt the book and a children story book that is.. i was like "uhh.. MUST be the piggy stories~~~" XDDD your welcome girl~ ♥
yeah he did, a lot,
and even if he appears sexy and slutty,
he remains cute at times too,
But but... Cute...♥
Tegoshi was so damn cute, asking Massu to tell the stories, or so... :D
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