Title: Climbing the walls
Author: Keikokin
Pairing: Reed/ Tucker
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Tags: First Time, Flirting and angst
Disclaimer: I do not own it or it would be much dirtier. Paramount owns Star Trek, all rights reserved. No maliciousness intended toward the wonderful actors and actresses that brought it to life. This piece of
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Comments 2
I don't type well on my cell, but next time I'm on a real 'puter I'll give you some more specific feedback. The short version: I loved it!
He raised his Iron Clad Shields
I love the running military metaphors - just right for Malcolm’s job AND his personality.
Oh dear Lord, did he just move closer? Yes, that is definitely his thigh. Breathe. Breathe.
Very nice-and then, THE CAPTAIN barges in! Love the way you introduce natural obstacles to draw things out so it’s even hotter when they finally have their chance!
But he soon found his leg was trapped with a larger leg wrapping around his own like a snake. It was all he could do not to let on to the Captain.
First, I love Trip’s aggressive body language (hummina hummina!), and second, poor Malcolm, thinking he’s fooled the Captain and being wrong, as we find out shortly!
Trip was seriously moving into Malcolm’s space and from the looks of things the Brit was fighting his emotions so hard he was going to snap.The POV switch works really well here. I love seeing the same scene from different angles, and Archer gives us ( ... )
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