I'm Keiliss everywhere, friends call me Kei. She/her, been around Tolkien fandom since 2004. I write mainly elves and like the late first to early third ages, fourth age Valinor, elves through history... slash, gen, some m/f, no hard and fast rules, average rating Teen - R. Journals carry links to AO3 posts, it's been a long time now since I posted fic directly onto a journal.
You can find me on LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, those Tolkien archives that are still standing, my own website, Braided Light (link on the sidebar - I am from That Time, yes), AO3 and Discord. Only AO3 has all my fiction (except the small bits and the handful I forgot about and may never find again). In fandom I am writer, commenter, the Other Mod on My Slashy Valentine, and fond of challenges (a favourite is the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang) though I need to avoid taking on too much at once, a bad habit.
Also read in Good Omens, Game of Thrones, X-Files (still, yes), Mary Renault, Rosemary Sutcliff, some MCU though that's wearing off, and eat up Untamed fan art while still having a (long) way to go to reach the end.
Time was when I seldom made personal posts, my journal was about fandom stuff, but time passes, LJ and DW grew quieter, and the world also changed (rather a lot right now - 2020-2021). Family photos and such are more likely to turn up on LJ, for people who've known me long enough not to be bored. I live in South Africa, in Cape Town, a city on a peninsula with great beaches and a mountain in the middle. I have visited many places and still can't think of one where I'd prefer to live (okay, small town in Italy perhaps). Have raised children, dogs, cats, ducks, rabbits, chickens, mice, a very sweet rat, birds...
I'm friendly, welcome comments and discussion (no drama), and generally friend back if you show up. The graphic is something I put together a lot of years ago, it was the entrance to my first website and leaving it off would be Not Right.
Fiction on AO3