Title: The Pink Flamingo
Chapter: 20/?
Featuring: Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrond, many OCs
Beta: as ever, Red Lasbelin (aka The Recipient)
Summary: Glorfindel's posting to Imladris should have been straightforward, a way for him to integrate into life in the Second Age while giving Elrond some much-needed assistance. None of that took into account the
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Comments 2
I do love the interactions between all these characters - whether is is Erestor and Glorfindel, or prickly, stern-faced Elrond with Gil-Galad or Glorfindel, or Glorfindel and Sidhiel - every one makes me smile because it is just right.
I thought I would never write again at one point, my head was just empty. Strangely, I think what prodded me into action was the health minister saying we would be living with covid possibly till 2022. Somehow life does need to move on! I love all these people, and it makes me really happy when someone else enjoys them. Thank you so much, Wombat, I appreciate this tremendously.
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