Winners challenge 196

Jun 02, 2011 12:51

A huge thank you to all our voters and participants. Under the cut are this week's winners.

First place - fare_lady
Second place - x_x_emilina
Third place - fare_lady
Fourth place - apricotsvea

Best colour - fare_lady
Best crop - florencia7
Most original - florencia7
Mod's choice - little_witch19

fare_lady, your winning icon will be added to our Hall of Fame and will serve as our community's default icon for the week.

Congratulations to all our winners!

Our banner maker this week is leithalia.

And please don't forget about our open challenges:

Only three people have entered icons for challenge 197, so we really need more by Monday, when the challenge closes. Please, if you have the time, enter HERE.

Challenge 198 is open for another 11 days. It's a really fun picture of Keira, so please enter HERE.

!winners, challenge 196

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