Another meme? But this one I would happily do since it's Arashi-related... Ohohohoho...
Tagged by saariii... (Liz, here are my answers, some are a bit pervy, as expected... mwehehehehe...)
I enjoyed answering this meme and this will probably be the last one I do for a while since I have to get back to RL and my demanding work... (hmmm... I feel like my free time right now is the calm before the storm)
Disclaimer: Please note that this is just how my brain works...
Okay, on to the questions...
1. Who would you get caught in bed with?
Nino. That guy is just so engrossed in his DS, magic tricks, manga... that to be caught in bed with him would be a privilege.... No, rather... it would be an honor since that means he took time off from his own little world of self-involvement to give back to the community... *ahem*
Plus, a lot of the other members of Arashi have said that he's good with his hands.... (palm slams into forehead... itai!)
2. Who would you most likely get into a fight with?
I like to argue. It's in my nature. And I think the person who would be most accomodating would either be Jun or Sho... (And I share the same answer as Liz..... of course we would make up through.... *cough*)
3. Who do you think is hot?
Sho and Aiba. It's a given that I think MatsuJun is hot. But Sho wields the power to make me commit adultery against my ichiban, and Aiba is just gorgeous... Gomen Ohmiya, you're gorgeous too but, well, I need to see you talking and animatedly being yourselves for me to put you in the same category. Just seeing Jun, Sho or Aiba in photos or screencaps is enough to make my jaw drop.
4. Who will you most likely marry?
Jun. It's not just because he's my ichiban... but I can't answer anyone else because I'm sort of devoted to him... And I think we would compliment each other (he cooks and cleans, I take care of the kids, lol...) But seriously, I think he would be as driven in being a husband as he is in his career...
5. Who would you go on a date with?
This is like a one-time date as a fan with an idol, right? If that's the case... Anyone remember that scene from Sex and the City where Carrie faints from too much romance with the Russian...? I think with Jun, that would happen to me... and with Sho, I'd be nervous about making a mistake (he's the most educated and also a stickler for etiquette and propriety, right?), and with Nino, I'd be wondering what's behind his half-smile or smirk... so maybe Ohno or Aiba? They're the most peaceful ones and I think I can be myself around them... But if it's an actual date-date... then romance won't hurt....and that would mean Jun, ne?
6. Who is most like you?
I'd say I'm a combination of Sho and Jun... but lately, maybe I'm more of a Sho? He's not complacent about things but isn't as unforgiving as Jun when he fails (I love when he fails!). I'm a bit OCD and Do-S which is definitely Jun, but then I'm not as meticulous.
7. Who could you be enemies with?
I think maybe Nino... I think he's the most 'in-your-face' type among them all because he's the most talented and yet the most rebellious. Plus, he's devious and cunning... (And I sometimes think he has an evil laugh....)
8. Who would be your hang out/shopping buddy?
I think I would go with Ohno, he'd be relaxing to hang out with. And although Aiba is the most genki and fun, I might end up smacking him like the others do. Plus I'm not really good with shopping... If I need something, I buy it. And it ends there... by the way, most of my clothes are also gifts from other people... (like Oh-chan) so hanging out with him is a time to just relax and not be demanding with each other....
9. Who will you have a one night stand with?
Sho... as I said before, he's the only one I think could make me switch from Jun... Plus... in terms of a one-night stand... I already know what I'm gonna do with him... lol.... (yabai! my brain went there....erase...erase...)
10. Who will get along with your parents/family?
Hmmmm... Aiba with my nephews. Sho with my parents. Nino would impress my brothers. And Jun would impress my sis and sis-in-law... Ohno would.... space out.... hehehe...
11. Who would you fall in love with?
I think on some level, I'm already in love with him... so Jun! ♥
12. Who would you want to be your brother?
I have three brothers and all of them are the noisy, argumentative, teasing, evil types and they like computer games so Nino would get along well with them... But I want Ohno as my brother. I can imagine worshipping him as a big brother and mothering him at the same time.
13. How would you confess your love for them?
In real life, I'm not the type to confess, I'm too prideful and insecure... But as a fan, I have no problems professing my love for them.... Hmmmm... I'm trying to recall if I shouted 'I LOVE YOU' during the Taipei Con to any of them... maybe I did... but meeting them face to face... as a fan, my reaction would probably be similar to the last girl being interviewed in this Himitsu no Arashi clip (maybe some of you have seen it already, but here's the link)
14. Who do you think has the sexiest body?
Sho. If he could be permanently shirtless, I would be forever grateful to his Manager!!! Plus, we've all seen how gorgeous the shape of his butt is, right?
15. Who do you think will give the best sex ever?
Jun. His personality is the perfectionist kind, ne? So that means he'd be.... ummmm... mecha mecha intense.... Kyaaaa!!!! (bangs head on desk to stop perviness)...
16. Situation: you saw the most gorgeous dress that you want to buy for a function but the price explodes right out of your budget, so you go up to one of the boys and ask to borrow some of his money. His reaction would be…
Aiba or Jun, they wouldn't mind. Jun would go fangirl (or is it... fanboy? nyahahaha) on anything related to clothes... Aiba is generous and the only member Jun approves of when it comes to fashion...
17. What nicknames would you call the boys?
Jun = Anata...... lol...
Sho = Totoro or Sho-toro
Nino = Nini
Ohno = Oh-chan
Aiba = Aibsy-chan
18. Who is most likely to settle in a quiet town beside the beach and find pleasure sitting and watching the sun rise and set?
Maybe Ohno... Sho likes being around people and so does Aiba. Nino is a loner but I wonder if he's too engrossed in his DS or magic tricks to take the time and appreciate scenery... Jun loves the sea and sometimes goes off on his own to the beach but he'd miss the city too much, I think. But I can imagine Ohno settling down in a place that reflects his calmness.
19. Who is most likely to be spotted at the buffet table?
First Sho, then Aiba, then Jun... still, they're all underweight no matter how much they eat...
20. Who would you like to go on an exotic vacation in Italy with?
Jun... he loves pasta, ne? And I think even though I'd be in shock for a while over the romance-ness of it all... I wouldn't choose anyone else but him for anything with the word 'exotic' in it... (that word reminds me of his strong face... lol)
21. Who do you want to be the godfather of your kids (with any of the boys)?
Aiba... he would be totally fun and attentive as a godfather... and he'd buy my kids tons of presents, lol... But then again, Arashi with kids is pure rabu-rabu!
And so ends this meme... I think I was mostly
Okay, I tag you all... And if you're not an Arashian, then do this meme for your own band or fandom...