I've not been bothered by any of the ones I've seen, but I can see how it would turn out that someone would be. Everyone I've seen who's done them so far has been either someone who doesn't know me well enough to be able to say something worrying that might be about me, or someone who's close enough to me that if they said something worrying that might be about me, I could ask them if it was me and they would tell me. But this is entirely an accident of who's done the meme.
So no, you're not weird, but neither are the people who've expressed discomfort.
If you're concerned enough to be worried that something negative-seemingly and anonymously-directed may be about you, then you're probably not the kind of person who needs to have anonymous comments directed at them :)
Comments 5
So no, you're not weird, but neither are the people who've expressed discomfort.
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