Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Previously Stamped As: Juliet, the green dress, and the white party dress
☆About You☆
Three positive adjectives that describe you: Intuitive, intelligent, loyal
Three negative adjectives that describe you: Sensitive, anxious, sarcastic
Likes Music (making it and listening to it), photography, cooking, reading, rainy days, the TV show "Pushing Daisies", and cupcakes.
Dislikes Arrogance and vanity are very high on my list. And then, on a much lower level, is coconut. I can't stand the smell or taste of it. I am also very annoyed by the incredible amount of reckless Alabama drivers.
☆Your Other Half
What are the main attributes you look for in another half? Kindness is essential. I would also like for him to be loyal and have a good sense of humor.
Good Points attract you to a man? The three stated above, and I love a guy who's gentle. If I have a crush on a guy and I see him with a little kid or an animal, I melt. XD
Bad Points attract you to a man? I like it if he's a bit protective me, but not overly much.
What are his good habits Behaving like a gentleman.
What are his faults Being afraid to speak his mind.
What kind of looks do you go for? I tend to go for the brunettes, though I'm not sure why.
Do looks matter or do you look for something else? They would probably help in initilly attracting me to him, but they're not what I'm looking for in a relationship. There has to be depth to him.
Brave or Coward I try to be brave.
Modern or Old Fashioned A little more modern.
Are You more Lustful or Loving? Loving
Moody or Happy Moody, but I attribute that to my anxiety.
Pessimistic or optimistic Eh, in the middle.
Home or Adventure Home is where the heart is, but we all need some adventure.
Impulsive or think things through A little more impulsive
Romantic or Not Romantic
Brave or Coward Brave
Modern or Old Fashioned More old-fashioned. I like guys who act like gentlemen. :)
Is He more Lustful or Loving? Love with passion
Moody or Happy Moody like me, which is to say reasonably so.
Pessimistic or optimistic Realistic
Home or Adventure I would like him to be like me in this aspect.
Impulsive or think things through Thoughtful but spontaneous
Romantic or Not Romantic
What do you do together? Anything! Whatever we felt like doing at the time.
Do you enjoy spending all your time with him or do you spend most of your time apart little more together, but balanced.
What would you do for valentines day/anniversaries.. do you celebrate these events? We wouldn't make a huge deal, but we would celebrate them.
Who would most likely start arguements? Haha, probably me.
Who would most likely end arguement? Since I'd probably start them, he'd probably finish them. :D
If he cheated would you forgive him It would be hard, but I would probably give him a chance. One chance.
☆Anything Else☆
Thanks for your votes! ♥