Name: Samantha
Age: 26
Previously Stamped As: Juliet from Love Actually
☆About You☆
Three positive adjectives that describe you: friendly, intelligent, laid back
Three negative adjectives that describe you: lazy at times, quiet, goofy
Likes art, art history, music, movies, literature
Dislikes mushrooms, mean people, frat guys
☆Your Other Half
What are the main attributes you look for in another half? personality and intelligence
Good Points attract you to a man? intellect, sense of humor, personality
Bad Points attract you to a man? moodiness, bad boy attitude.
What are his good habits He’s always thinking about me.
What are his faults He can be a bit jealous.
What kind of looks do you go for? brown hair, nice, clear eyes, and tall.
Do looks matter or do you look for something else? I suppose looks matter a bit, but I like a persons personality more than looks.
Brave or Coward in between
Modern or Old Fashioned Modern
Are You more Lustful or Loving? Loving
Moody or Happy Happy
Pessimistic or optimistic Optimistic
Home or Adventure Home
Impulsive or think things through think things through
Romantic or Not VERY romantic
Brave or Coward Brave
Modern or Old Fashioned A bit of both, but leaning towards the Old Fashioned
Is He more Lustful or Loving? Loving
Moody or Happy Both, depending what is going on
Pessimistic or optimistic optimistic
Home or Adventure Home
Impulsive or think things through Think things through
Romantic or Not Romantic
What do you do together? Talk, watch old films on DVD, relax and hang out together.
Do you enjoy spending all your time with him or do you spend most of your time apart We can do either, though we love spending time together
What would you do for valentines day/anniversaries.. do you celebrate these events? Yes, we are both romantics. We like to buy little gifts for one another, and spend a little extra special time together.
Who would most likely start arguments? Probably me.
Who would most likely end argument? The both of us would finally work things through.
If he cheated would you forgive him Depends if he told me about it himself, or if I find out about it accidentally.
☆Anything Else☆
I’m sorry I haven’t been active much lately. I was so incredibly busy, I didn’t have time for the internet. BUT, things have slowed down now, so I’ll be able to get more active in voting!