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Name Rachel
Previous Stamps Juliet, the green dress from Atonement, the white party dress from Pride and Prejudice, and matched with Will Turner
Positive Traits Intuitive, loyal, intelligent, open-minded, good-humored
Negative Traits Sensitive, insecure, jealous, sarcastic, lazy
Hobbies I'm at a fine arts school for violin (though I also play viola and piano), but recently I've gotten very interested in psychology and plan to major in that in college. I also very much enjoy photography and cooking
Describe your ideal Christmas Eve Calm and serene, with no fuss. I'm not religious, but I do love singing Christmas hymns, though the loud boisterous ones like Joy to the World are for tomorrow. Just all together thoughtful, I guess is the best word.
Describe your ideal Christmas Day A small celebration with family and/or friends. Exchanging gifts, singing songs, smiles all around.
Favourite all time Christmas song and why? "Angels We Have Heard On High". I love the overlapping melodies of the refrain. We're singing a really cool version of it in choir at school, and as a soprano, I get to sing the soaring melody! :D
Favourite Christmas Movie and why? Aww, Love Actually! It's one of my all-time favorite movies period, and it's just such an adorable feel-good movie. I love how all the storylines are interwoven.
Best Christmas Present you could get and why If I was gong with material gifts, a laptop (though I know I'm getting one as a graduation gift in May), but if I could have absolutely anything, I'd love to be able to meet my dad's parents. Both died before my older brother and I were born, and Christmas is just a family-oriented holiday for me. I've always wished I could have known them.
Favourite thing about christmas shopping? Picking out gifts for my family and friends! It's so much fun!
Least favourite thing about christmas shopping? Ergh, the pushy people. That's why I do just about all of my shopping online. Oh, and going broke. :D
If you could spend christmas with anyone in the world who would it be (excluding family) One of my best guy friends, who I have developed a crush on. I'm almost positive that he likes me back, and I'd just love to spend some more time with him. I don't get to see him nearly as often as I used to.
Do you try and get a sneaky peak at your presents before christmas day. be honest now I did one year, but it kinda ruined some of the fun, so I haven't done it since.
Do you attend alot of Christmas Parties Not really. Usually just one or two.
☆Love Actually☆ don't worry if you have not seen it :)
Favourite Character and why? Natalie. She's so...real, I guess. She's sweet and shy and makes mistakes, but she finds love in the end.
Least favourite Character and why? Mia. I'm prone to letting lose lots of profanity whenever she's onscreen. She's just a slut, and I can't stand her.
What makes this movie so appealing to you? It's both adorable and hilarious, and just always leaves me feeling good.
Favourite Story within the film David and Natalie
Christmas is all Around us or Love is all around us? Love is all around! ♥
☆Anything Else?☆
Thank you for voting! ♥