November is around the corner

Oct 25, 2012 03:24

Whoa October almost come to an end! It's almost November :D
But I still haven't do my October wish *blueeek* hahaha
I hope once I'm done with my mid-sem exams, he will contact me again weeeeeeeee
This sem is kinda hard... Multiple times harder than the past two sems >.<
I never stayed up this late just to revise -.-
Ah well... Just good luck to me for the last two papers this mid-sem :D
And good luck to me... hmmm...
Gotta go back to my notes, they're thrilled to end this two weeks *actuallymorethantwoweeksforme* of suffering

*isn't it time for me to try something new? is it worth trying? i will if the other is willing to :)*

13 days to Jump World 2012 xDDD
I wonder when will my copy arrive :P
Earlier or later? :|

heysayjump, school, exam, 私の生活

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