Well that was.... uh....

Oct 19, 2003 15:36

I saw Kill Bill lastnight with Sara, Jeffu and Candice. All I can say is I have mixed emotions about

Because my emotions are so mixed. On certian levels I liked it, on others I absolutely loved it, on others it owned me, on others i hated it, it disgusted me and so forth and so forth. I'm now going to examine it from all the different aspects of my personality because... well, I honestly have nothing better to do. Well... I do, I'm just putting it off. *shifteyes*

So now, I will tell you what the different parts of my personality thought of this movie.

And I am in no way saying I have more than one personality. not at all.

Starting with the obvious, This movie was bloody. It bothered me. Not as much as it bothered Chi but it bothered me quite a bit. So much in fact that I'm debating never seeing it or it counterparts again merely because it bothered me so much. The blood bath that was this entire movie was so disgusting that it nearly outweights all the amazingly good points this movie had. Simply put, if you don't like accessive blood, don't see this movie. It was nasty even though I did laugh at the extreme excessive blood spurts and such.

Now on to the parts that are good and I'm going to save the best parts for last.

The artistic side of me loved this movie. It's like watching someone experimental video art project. There were enough creative shoots and well planned out scenes to make me drool. Oh how I did. It was so artistic I can't explain the amount of inspiration I got from it. It was just preath takingly amazing. Words cannot describe. My artistic sences were asulted byt this movie and I loved every minute of that assult.

Continuing on with the artistic side of the movie, the way the story was told was increadible. I loved how the movie jumped around, had a different look for every different place, and when some scenes went on too long they changed the way the scene was shot to give it a new flavor. Lovely. Especially the O-ren part in anime. Lovely.

Of course, the artisticness alone could not outweigh all the blood, as there was a lot of it, so now I'll tell you what made the movie for me.

The Japan parts, which was pretty much most of the movie. When she stood at that ticket counter and said "Okinawa Japan" my eyes went round and I was instantly entranced. Japan has that effect on me. So she met an awesome old man that made swords and that whole scene at the little bar thing was great. I loved how everyone spoke in Japanese. You have no idea how much it annoies me when people are in a foreign country and everyone speaks English. I may like anime but I like things to be realistic as well. The Engrish that old man spoke was priceless, right down to actually saying "engrish". Great. Then, you know. Lucy Lu, who I love, she's amazing. She made me laugh because she had such a Chinese accent when she spoke Japanese. And I understand that she is Chinese but ya know. She speaks perfect English so I wasn't expecting a Chinese accent ok? And what was with the bride's Japanese? One second she's speak it fluently and I'm in awe and then next she's got the worst English accent ever. I suppose I shouldn't complain though, I'm the same way. Did I mention the way she kept saying yaa-kuu-zaa all drawn out and nasty. *twitches*. But yeah, the Japanese culture in this movie was great. At times I felt there could be better things. Like if Gogo had worn those loose socks. That would have ruled. And if they had gotten Zone to play in the resturant thing instead of whatever the hell was playing there. Oh, and Gogo was adorable, except for the scray craziness. Just her little happy voice while walking down the stairs was cuuuute~.

Yeah, and the fight scenes were amazingly well done. Being the martial arts movie fan that I am I do like a well done fight scene.

So... I'm done. There was a lot to this movie. it ended in a cliff hanger that I know will drag me back to see the second oe against my will. *Shakes fist* For all it's good points I still can't decide if i like it or not. Everytime I sit back and say "yeah, it was a good movie" I get a flash of Lucy lu's brain or that black lady getting that knife through her chest or something and I turn green.

I'm so conflicted...

That review was very.. ummm... hard to follow, even for me. Apologises to those who are lost after reading that. You're not the only one.

I was supposed to be doing something with Shannon and Naideine today. But Shannon's cat's giving birth and such and apparently it was Saturday that we were supposed to go see Lisa or something and I was told this. I say no. I was told Sunday. Cause I had plans for Saturday. Yeah. i'm a bit ticked, not because nothign was followed through with. A pet giving birth is a worthy excuse. But I'm ticked that Naideine's so disorganized and stuff. I'd ramble about it but I can't quite articulate exactly the point that makes me twich even though I know what it is. So I move onto my next topic.

I'm writing. It's not a w-inds fanfic. Just an original story and it's really screwing with my head. Leaving me all emotional at strange times. I was almost crying at work before I forced myself to stop thinking about one of my chracters... *shiftyeyes* I don't know what I'll do with it when I eventually finish it. Cause it's going to be long. I may just I don't know. I'll figure something out.

So now, I leave you in hopes of finding news about a new PV. Though I'm doubtful I'll find anything. But it's worth the try. *nods*
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