If people don't want to be with you Moonie, it may be because they're not truly the RIGHT people for you. Things happen for a reason, at least I feel that way. You'll find that right person, and you'll know it when you do, as will they. If you ever feel down or lonely, you know how to find me; You can stop by anytime. Hang in there Keith. Love the new layout by the way, haha.
...another thing...bassman_oxDecember 4 2005, 07:44:00 UTC
One more thing I'd like to add to my previous comment. I was just thinking, you're one of the most fun people I've ever known, there's never a dull moment when you're around! If people don't want to get to know the Keith Moon that I know and love, and spend time with you, well, it's their loss.
Re: ...another thing...keith_moonDecember 5 2005, 07:13:17 UTC
thanks john. you really are truly filled with wisdom. you should write a book about your musings on life. i am so thankful you never hesitate to fill me with your knowledge about life, and i only hope that i can be the same for you :) love ya!
Lars Fest! wow i didnt know such a thing existed! im way too self absorbed to know such things .anyway, ill go for sure, ill go buy my tickets tomorrow. i hope he plays "Mainlining Murder". I hear he wrote it about me.
Comments 20
It must be making the rounds, Keith. I'm the same way today.
Much love for you, Keith!
Hehe. Beautiful layout.
pick you up tomorrow at 8? dont wear anything too nice or expensive, ill probably just get way drunk and puke all over it. plus i like em trashy.
how does one pet a koala?
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