Records that Basquiat would have played if he was a DJ, or if he wasn't dead.

Jul 19, 2005 18:40

I admit that it was so crowded that I only breezed through the exhibit. I'll be going back often art faggin'. However, from what I saw, I think the show here is better than it was in New York. There were a lot less annoying barrier lines, and not as much ridiculous wall text. The museum sure is mythologizing Basquiat though ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

orbitalocularit July 20 2005, 03:07:07 UTC


ilovebritt July 20 2005, 04:19:43 UTC
maybe im just a jerk off hermit face but i generally never go to gallery shin digs or openings of anysort....mainly because they look scary like that. i think if i ever have i show i may not even show up.
or if i did have a show only one person can come in every hour.
im such a grumpy grandma.

consider yourself lucky morganstein! i have gone to your shows! because i love you!


georgia1313 July 20 2005, 16:23:10 UTC
Man, your openings suck down there (pun not intended but really funny anyways). We went to one staring the guys from Hamburger Eyes last weekend and it rocked...except for this one idiot "performance art" guy who was projecting stupid shit on the wall and yelling "animal, animal" over and over again into a microphone.


powpowmeow July 20 2005, 16:23:43 UTC
hahaha, amazing. you should always do LJ updates with a photo story. you are good at it.


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