survey ganked from pete & liza

Apr 22, 2005 14:46

01. favorite color: yellow and green
02. favorite drink: water
03. favorite computer accessory: hmm.....everything haha
04. favorite cookie: choc. chip
05. favorite author: I'd have to say Lemony Snicket as of now but I also this S.L. Clemens(ahem..also known as Mark Twain) is a good writer
06. favorite nsync member: Justin Timberlake
07. favorite way of getting caffeinated: a caffinated beverage..duh!
08. favorite chipmunk: chip and dale!! they are soo cute. I got thir autograph's < 333
09. favorite ice cream: birthday cake flavored

10. favorite lover: Gerard Butler
11. do you believe in love at first sight: nahh

12. do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom: yah

13. do you put empty cartons back in the fridge: that's dumb! no
14. do you do things you know you shouldn't: sometimes
15. do you take responsibility: I try to
16. do you have someone else's underwear: yes my cousdins but I don't wear it
17. do you associate with people you don't even like: teacher makes me
18. do you have any psychological disorders: i don't even know what that is, dude!
19. do you drink diet soda: sometimes yah
20. do you kiss on the first date: no
21. have you masturbated in front of someone not your lover: dunno what that is
22. have you broken the law: hm........nope
23. have you had one too many to drink: no
24. have you backed into something: yes, haha
25. have you graduated high school: no
26. have you bitten someone until they bled: no.....I've never bitten anyone before unless I did when I was a baby
27. have you ever stolen a street sign: no, who the heck would??!
28. have you ever been kissed: no
29. have you ever been in a food fight: a small one, yes
30. have you ever sucked helium: yeh, from a balloon. my voice was sounding like a baby haha
31. what are you not doing: listening to music. that's strange, I'm usually listening to it haha
31. what are you talking about: personal stuff to my friends
32. what are you wearing: an abercrombie shirt that says "No autographs please" and camoflauge bermuda shorts. ohh, and tennies
33. what are you craving: chocolate
34. what are you lusting: to meet Gerard Butler
35. what are you lacking: energy.
36. what are you going to do after this: talk to Elena and do other internet stuf..
37. what are you dependent on: God
38. what are you hoping: meet gerry butler
39. what are you reading: The Reptile Room #2 in the Series of Unfortunate Events. I've read # 3, and 5 though so it's not new really..
40.what are you listening to: wandering away.. or something like that in y head
41. last movie you saw: in theatres.. Phantom of teh Opera. ast home or someone else's house.. Mean Girls
42. last person you touched: Chad
43. last person you yelled at: probably Michael or Brian or Greg or Tyler. THere all annoying as heck
44. last time you got pissed:every day haha by the boys above
45. last person you told you loved: mom or someone els ein my family
46. last thing you drank: water
47. last year, what were you for Halloween: myself, I don't celebrate Halloween
48. last year, you were: in 4th grade... sad...
49. last time you were on the phone: today talking to the Bank of America dude
50. last song you heard: a Billy Joel song.. my teacher was playing his cd in class
51. do you want to get married / divorce: yes/no
52. do you want to have children/ names?: yes/I picked them out on let me go see what they were. ah, yes, her eit it. guys: Gerard. girls: miranda and Emmanuelle
53. do you want to tell certain people off: yes
55. do you want to be somewhere else: yes and no
56. do you want to be someone else: kind of
57. do you want to be famous: yes
58. do you want to go for a walk: nope
59. do you want to hug anyone: yesssssss
60. do you want to make a difference: only if it's a difference in acting w/ Gerard Butler! we could be the "Butler Morgante legend" or the "Scottish Italian legend" haha
61. how do you feel about PDA: dunno
62. how do you feel about the other PDA: dunno
63. how do you feel about alternative lifestyles: fine
64. how do you feel about president bush: i support dubya!
65. how do you feel about birth control: depends on what it's for... it's used in other ways than just ... BIRTH CONTROL
66. how do you feel about abusive relationships: yeesh, i couln't live to tell you how much I hate it
67. how do you feel about the internet: EEEEKEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
68. how do you feel about your family: I love them
69. how do you feel about your friends: I loveee! i can't live w/out them
70. how do you feel about polygamy: poly whaty??
71. do you like jelly beans: yeah, I do
72. do you like it when it rains: ptHhHhHhHhhHh
73. do you like to drive: i can't...
74. do you like to eat out: yes
75. do you like being home: generally
76. do you like the people (or animals) you live with: yep
77. do you like emo: noo it's gross
78. do you like Microsoft: yeh
79. do you like your name: I'd rather have the name Emmanuelle or Emmy
80. do you like the person you ganked this from: yes
81. worst musical artist: Earth, Wind, and ZFIre and others like them
82. worst feeling in the world: dying I'm sure
83. worst color combination: brown and black *throws up*
84. worst texture: dunno, don't care
85. worst taste to burp: gross. throw up. i can burp it. wanna see!!!!!! thanks...
86. worst thing about people: selfishless brattiness, and idk what else
87. worst thing about outer space: ya can't breathe idiots! and it's cold or hot, generally speaking, too cold or hot.
88. worst element on the periodic table: everything except space stuff
89. worst disease / infection to get: where you die!!!
90. worst position to sleep in: sitting up on an uncomfortable object
91. you are: energetic, all smiles
Age you got your first kiss: never had it
Band listening to right now: not listening to a band, but bringing up Earth, Wind, and Fire made me sin gin my mimd "September"
Crush: Gerard Butler
Dad's name: John-Paul
Easiest person to talk to: my grandparents
Favorite band/artist at the moment: Green Day, Rascal Flatts, Gerard Butler :P
Gummy bears or worms: bears
Hometown: where i live now? Florida
Instruments: what about them haha
Kids: none
Longest car ride ever: idk
Mom's name: Ellen
Nicknames: Hail, Hails, Hay Hay
Phobia[s]: lots and lots of thing..can't name all...
Quote: "If I see a role, I have to go out and get it. I look for my roles to show off my personality, but yet be serious."~Gerard Butler ooohhh yeeh
Reason to smile: happy happy things, funny things
Song you sang last: rock n roll to me.. or whatever you call it by Billy Joes I sang it at school
Time you woke up [today]: 6:30
Unknown fact about me: i love *shifty!* gerard butler!! :)
Vegetable you hate: almost all
Worst habit(s): cracking knuckles, biting my nails
X-rays you've had: ankle and wrist
Yummy food: everything but the stuff I don't like or haven't tried hehe
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
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