
May 17, 2004 09:56

.::last cigarette::. I don't smoke cigarettes.
.::last car ride::. To my house from Lisa's last night.
.::last kiss::. Today. :) Like...45 minutes ago.
.::last good cry::. Don't remember.
.::last library book checked out::. I'm not sure...maybe Obsidian Butterfly?
.::last movie seen:: Cabin Fever...kind of.
.::last book read::. Reading Rhapsoday and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ATM...last one finished: don't know. Lol.
.::last cuss word uttered:: Fuck, probably. Not sure.
.::last beverage drank:: Completed? A Cream Soda.
.::last food consumed:: Umm...Not sure. Maybe potato chips.
.::last phone call:: With Stuart last night.
.::last tv show watched:: Um, don't remember. I don't watch TV that often.
.::last time showered:: This morning. Like...2 1/2-3 hours ago.
.::last shoes worn:: My purple low-top chucks that I'm also wearing now...?
.::last cd played:: NIN - Pretty Hate Machine
.::last item bought:: Ummm...aside from my mountain dew? Allie's present...or my pipe, kind of. Lol.
.::last downloaded:: Long time ago. Dunno.
.::last annoyance:: -shrug-
.::last disappointment:: Dunno.
.::last soda drank:: Cream Soda...aside from the Mt. Dew I'm drinking now.
.::last thing written:: Look upwards.
.::last key used:: Backspace.
.::last word spoken:: "ok" I think...
.::last sleep:: 2:30, about, to 6:30...although I got sleep before that.
.::last im::. Stuart...
.::last weird encounter:: Dunno. Going into Tony's...?
.::last ice cream eaten:: Vanilla...cookies and cream homemade milkshake at Stuart's.
.::last time amused:: Dunno. I'm amused many times a day.
.::last time in love:: Stuart :) Still am, hehe.
.::last time hugged::. Stuart :P
.::last chair sat in:: Plastic school chair, which I'm sitting in right now. Heh.
.::last lipstick used: I don't use lipstick, really.
.::last underwear worn::. was a denim blue. heh.
.::last shirt worn:: it was my red button up shirt...oh wait, no. my penguin shirt to bed.
.::last time dancing:: On a week ago.
.::last poster looked at:: My ummm...Squall poster.
.::last show attended:: TMBG.
.::last webpage visited::
1 MINUTE AGO: Filling out the survey.
1 HOUR AGO: Getting changed into regular clothes in PE.
1 DAY AGO: I was on the computer...or on the phone or something.
1 WEEK AGO: Monday. School. Crappyness.
1 YEAR AGO: No idea.
current clothes: Black corduroy that I cut off at the knees, white socks and purple low-top chucks, gray thermal long-sleeved shirt, Stuart's Opeth sweatshirt.
current mood: Content, bored.
current music: None. The whirring of computers...?
current taste: Livewire.
current hair: Just down. Nothing fancy.
current annoyance: School. Ehhhhhh...
current smell: Air...?
current thing i should be doing: Project 7 assignment for the class...and the rest I haven't done, lol.
current desktop picture: Fruits basket...the same as I have on LJ at the moment.
current refreshment: Livewire.
current worry: Getting a passing grade...(at least a C) in this class.
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