This is the download-post for McNulty-family. All sims comes without CC and a picture showing how they look in BodyShop.
Jen Mcnulty had never liked the life at home; her father who thought a romantic dinner invlvolved take away and wine (instead of the beer he otherwise drank) and her mother who thought the greatest thing for Jen was to marry (just like her sister had) and have children. Jen had other ideas. She left for Chesterstead as soon as she could and joined the army. Jen moved to Chesterstead on simday 15.
Jen McNulty
Popularity, Taurus (5-5-3-8-4)
Turn ons: Cologne and Hard Working
Turn off: Gray hair
LTW: Become General
After having dated Anya for a long period of time, the two finally tied the knots at simday 27!
Anya by
maranatahTaurus (5-5-3-8-4)
Turn ons: Fitness and Red Hair
Turn off: Cologne
LTW: Become World Class Ballet Dancer
Anya wanted to become a World Class Ballet Dancer but in order to do so shew needed to get a dance studio to rank 5. She bought Dance! on simday 29 and on day 34 she could apply for a job in the dance career!
On simday 31 Jen was finally promoted to Commander and could move in with Anya. Soon after that, their daughter Samantha was born!
Samantha McNulty
Born: Simday 33
Romance, Sagittarius (5-5-9-8-1)
Turn-ons: Blonde hair and Formal wear
Turn-off: Artistic
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
After realising their house was too small, they moved. And just in time before the next child was on her way!
Amanda McNulty
Born: Simday 35
Romance, Sagittarius (5-5-9-8-1)
Turn-ons: Mechanical and Artistic
Turn-off: Custom Hair
LTW: Become Hall of Famer