My name is Uhura Carter. I have a son, Daniel. I fell in love with his father, but he couldn't stay in our world. And when he left, and I realised I was pregnant, I had to leave my home. My family does not take lightly on unmarried women having babies.
I dig in my garden to find things to sell. I got the idea from other residents here, some of them have done the same.
I also wrote some articles for online magazines.
I eventually got enough money to pay a nanny. I had gotten a job in the business career. My dream is to work as a teacher, but currently there are no schools in Chesterstead and I can't travel too far.
Seeing Daniel grow up made me so happy. Even if his first years had been rough, and money has been tight, I know he feels loved and secure.
But the years went by fast. I have climbed higher at my work and our economy is much more stable.
Soon it would be time for Daniel to start school! We were both excited.
Notes - Well, not too much happens when you're just playing one mother and her son. But here they are!