My name is Isabel. I am... a vampire. Not an uncommon thing, but not very usual either.
I am not that old, my living siblings have just passed away.
The house I live in was built for a family. I don't use the top floor, but the basement is perfect for my coffin.
I work in the organisation known as SCIA. We vampires can come in quite handy.
I love being out and meet people, but that girl was just worrying too much.
That Joseph-guy was quite intrigued by me.
I wasn't too intrigued by him.
I live in the outskirts of Chesterstead, which I like. I guess time will tell if I stay here.
Notes - I really enjoy playing a vampire. My plan is more or less to let her work to the top of her career (to fulsill the LTW), get some money and then become a massive bussiness owner. Seeing as she can't die, she will have a lot of time getting businesses up to rank and refuel Chesterstead a bit. No one really starts any busniesses anymore here.