Oct 01, 2005 14:33
I am sooo bord.There is nothing to do, and I can't find any more decent sprites online to make more icons. >:( (Making icons and playing video games is how I dround my bordom).I have also beat Zelda so there is officially nothing to do, and Ill be home all day. My cat Kim is on me so Im going to contiue (<- that's most likly spelled wrong) Typing
Sep 30, 2005 08:54
Hey every body!U peeps like the new icon?most of the icons u see i, most likly, made myself.And ive got a question, who the h311 made a bunny link, and those pink mushroom things?
Sep 29, 2005 20:08
Im bord,i gess ill just make mor icons...
Sep 28, 2005 16:32
Im was OK.We worked on the computers in math class...FOOD!
Sep 26, 2005 17:32
I cant find my cool link icon where he pulls out random items.X{ Ive looked every where 4 it but its nowhere 2 be seenXC...I dont know where 2 look any more
Sep 25, 2005 13:47
my awesome sister, melissa (danie) is here and we are listening to relient k and having a majorly awesome bilar-party. yay.
Sep 24, 2005 16:46
i m bord. i have nothing to do at home & i need some music...(went 2 get something).YAY!:) Voldemort can't stop the rock!Now im going to pracktice my computer faces... >_< o_0 XD :) :( :> :< :| :D ;D ;) =)
Sep 24, 2005 08:41
hey do u know how 2 get high off tick taks? Devon told me yesterday.What u do is take an empty tick tak bottle & suck in all the air in the bottle,XD.isnt that sweet!!!
Sep 23, 2005 19:55
Sorry, I have a new LJ name, becayse KekseXD looks like Kek-sex'd on a livejournal. So, here I am.