Shit... what makes u think u could do better and that any one is "Lookin" at u! Bitch no body likes u! U just needa grow up and move on! Sounds like this guy doesn't want u any way.. Get it right! Damn! Honestly no body likes u! Just a dumb, fatass, pothead.. who wants to be with that kinda bitch? Can we say.. EwwWww!!
WOW....can you say pussy.....cuase you sure the hell are one...why don't you leave your fuckin name....and i'm sure i can fix the problem you have with me!!!
excuse you!* evidently you've not been through something like this* oh... just wait* it'll come back on U!* ...and if ur just gonna say crap about her... then you have no right to even read her journal*! kel... thought i'd just leave ya one!* and trust me.. i know how ya feel* we really do need to talk sometime!* it's been forever!* l8ter t8ter!* mar*
I LOVE YOU MAR!!!lol i just ppl would leave their name!!! oh well tho what the hell ever!! thanks for the comment!! and we for real need to have one of our talks!! love ya
KEL, Don't worry about those pussy's...they aint worth your time..forget them...your true friends know that you aren't any of those that they said...don't even worry about them!!! I'm here for you Kel! anytime. SCREW THOSE HATERS! haha.
Comments 20
i seriously laughed out loud on that one...yikes, get a life.
kel... thought i'd just leave ya one!* and trust me.. i know how ya feel* we really do need to talk sometime!* it's been forever!*
l8ter t8ter!*
i just ppl would leave their name!!! oh well tho what the hell ever!!
thanks for the comment!! and we for real need to have one of our talks!!
love ya
I love you
I Love you girl!!
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