x- Name: Kelly
-x- Mood: strangely optimistic!
-x- Listening To: The Singing Bee!
-x- Thinking: I should go on that show. Except I don't know the real words to a lot of songs.
-x- Status: So very single...
-x- Birth date: Jan 17 1983 (see that Trav, two years apart)
-x- Birthplace: Lansing, Michigan
-x- School: Done! But I graduated from CMU
-x- Hair Color: Still brunette-- it's a bitch to keep up, but I love it!
-x- Eye Color: blue
-x- Height: 5'9 (I think I'm finally giving up on that half inch)
-x- Righty or Lefty: right
-x- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
-x- Your heritage: lots o' German, with some Swedish, some Polish, some Swiss
-x- The shoes you wore today: my brown slingback wedges
-x- Your weakness: Not seeing things for what they really are!
-x- Your fears: That I won't succeed in what I want to.
-x- Goal you'd like to achieve: Being paid to sing/act
-x- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol, i type "ridic" a lot
-x- Your bedtime: no later than midnight or else I fall asleep at work. Boo.
-x- High School Memory: The time we went to Jackson for Quiz Bowl-- when Rosie Karen and I never got to play, and Adam actually got benched. Aka the start of the rejects.
-x- Grossest Thing You Ever Ate: Pretty much anything in China!
-x- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
-x- Single or group dates: you mom
-x- Adidas or Nike: um, $2.50 flip-flops from Old Navy :o)
-x- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-x- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
-x- Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
-x- Smoke: Occasionally
-x- Swear: yeah, how much depends on who I'm with. Being around high schoolers so much has calmed me down, but one night with Kasie and I sound like a trucker :oP
-x- Sing: All the damn time
-x- Take a shower everyday: nope
-x- do you think you've been in love: sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
-x- Want to go to college/university: been there done that
-x- Want to get married: I never thought that I really did, but after Scott and Stina's wedding I actually have a lot of ideas of what I'd like! I do, someday.
-x- Believe in yourself: I do, most of the time.
-x- Get motion sickness: not really
-x- Think you're attractive: sometimes. I go through phases. Lately I've been feeling pretty good about myself.
-x- Think you're a health freak: hah.
-x- Get along with your parents: Yup, for the most part
-x- Play an instrument: I sing, can kind of play guitar and piano, used to play sax (I wonder if I'd still be able to)
-x- Thunderstorms: I like em.
In the past month...
-x- Drank alcohol: yes'm.
-x- Smoked: yes'm
-x- Done a drug: yes'm
-x- Had Sex: no
-x- Made Out: um, let me check... nope.
-x- Gone on a date: no.
-x- Gone to the mall?: yes.
-x- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no.
-x- Skipped School: no. And I can't really skip work, so I got nothin.
-x- Been dumped: nope
-x- Missed Someone: holy crap yes!
-x- Gone skating: i wish... "this one is couples and backwards skaters only"
-x- Made homemade cookies: and when would I have time to do that?
-x- Gone skinny dipping: um no, have you seen my pool?!?!
-x- Dyed your hair: yep
-x- Stolen anything: um, no
-x- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: hahahaha, funny... look at my entire 5th year at CMU
-x- Been caught "doing something"?: erm...
-x- Cried over someone of the opposite sex: like it's my job
-x- Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yes
-x- Been called a tease: no.
-x- Gotten beaten up: probably from Nick a little bit.
-x- Shoplifted: nope
-x- Put a body part on fire for amusement?: WHO DOES THAT?
-x- Changed who you were to fit in: yeah, back in like elementary and middle school
-x- shampoo: head & shoulders
-x- Color: blue or red
-x- Food: is this asking for my favorite? Pickles.
-x- Ice Cream: meh, not crazy about it
-x- Movie: I really want to see HP V
-x- Sport: flip cup (good answer Trav!)
-x- Piercing: my ears
-x- Gum: sugar free
-x- TV Show: scrubs
-x- Fruit: bananas
-x- Vegetables: carrots
-x- Store: does amazon.com count?
-x- Season: fall!
In a guy/girl..
-x- Best eye color? any
-x- Best hair color? any
-x- Short or long hair: any (lol I guess I'm not picky!)
-x- height: taller than me.
-x- Best weight: whatever.
-x- Best articles of clothing: whatever
-x- Best first date location: someplace fun
-x- Best first kiss location: your moms house
-x- # of drugs taken illegally: 1
-x- # of ppl i could trust with my life: I'd say probably 3 or 4
-x- # of Cds I own: who knows... I steal most of my music anyway
-x- # of piercings: 2 (one in each ear)
-x- # of tattoos: 0
-x- # of things that i regret in the past: I try not to regret. But less than 5
-x- siblings: 2
-x-pets: none!
-x-what you're wearing: sweatpants and the shirt I wore to work/rehearsal today
-x-favorite flower: Anything that smells pretty but doesn't make me sneeze!
-x-favorite perfume or cologne: on me, sjp's lovely. on guys, anything that isn't swiss army (that's what both Scott and Nick wear!)
-x-sports/activities involved in: um, guitar hero?
-x-favorite friends: I have a small group of people who absolutely complete my world. But pretty much all of my friends are favorites at some point or another
-x-favorite teacher: ?
-x-been in detention: nope. Almost, but I didn't actually get it
-x-been suspended: no
-x-religion: protestant
-x- death penalty: depends
-x-abortion: pro choice
-x-political party: I have more liberal views, but I agree with individuals not parties
-x-guns: need better control
-x-health care: thank you very much!
-x-meds: people need them
-x-assisted suicide: tough call.
Part 2...
1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
hmm... probably at some point over the wedding weekend.
2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
You kidding me? With my fat ass and asthma?!?!
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
not intentionally
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
yeah, in 1st and 2nd grade
6. What was the longest fight you have ever gotten in with your friends?
Well there was a long spell of fights with high school friends the first few years of college... that and maybe Amanda Swagler from the last day of 5th grade until like 8th grade
7. Are you a fast typer?
Sure am. Especially now that I do it ALL DAY
8. Are you afraid of the dark?
kind of
10. Who can you always turn to?
my mom, even though sometimes she drives me crazy, mere, nicole
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
i hate baths
12. Do you knock on wood?
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
nope, just finished a soda
14. Do you think you're attractive?
Every once in a while. I don't think I'm "pretty," occasionally I'd say I fall in "attractive," but in all honestly I'd call myself "striking." The past few weeks I've been feeling pretty good about myself, so give me a week and I'll think I look like a troll :o)
17. What do you want for Christmas?
Adventures and travels with friends :o)
18. Do you know the graduating.muffin man
I don't get it.
19. Do you talk in your sleep?
sometimes... but I really talk if I'm woken up or just dozing off.
20. Have you ever flown a kite?
22. When was the last time that you went swimming and where?
gosh... probably when I was at school! How sad is that.
23. Do you consider yourself successful?
I think I will be successful in some means, right now I'm in a lull.
24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell phone?
a lot. I NEVER delete people from that. most of the phone numbers probably aren't even valid anymore
25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
um, no
26. Plans for tomorrow?
work, brush-up, Full Monty rehearsal, back to brush-up
27. What's your middle name? and why?
Lynn. Because my mom thought Kelly Lynn sounded like a model's name (jokes on her!) and also her middle name is Lynn.
28. Missing someone right now?
lots of people. The problem is the more I see them, the more I miss them, so between the wedding and this past weekend's adventure I'm kind of saddy.
31. How are you feeling today?
pretty good.
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
34. What are you looking forward to?
Finishing Cinderella, starting up with FM, Labor Day
35. Have you ever crawled through a window? and gotten stuck?
we crawled through the window of Brandi Sias' basement to play truth or dare in 9th grade. I didn't get stuck.
37. Have you ever eaten dog food?
38. Can you handle the truth?
Most of the time yes. I feel I have a pretty thick skin, and I'd rather know the truth than believe something that isn't true.
39. Do you like green eggs and ham?
the book, yes
40. What 3 things do you always bring with you to places?
A famous Kelly Story, my cell phone, and my keys
41. Any cool scars?
I have one on my elbow from when I fell off a bridge. Not cool.
42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
Not yet, but there are like 3 guys in FM that I'm sure I'll have a crush on in no time flat. You know, it's what I do.
43. Who was the last person you kissed?
probably my mom or little bro
45. How often do you talk on the phone?
every day to my mom, every couple of days to mere
46. Do you believe in love?
I do. At least I want to.
47. Is there something you want that you can't have?
Lots of things
48. Two things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Smile and eyes
49. Where do you want to be right now?
You know, I'm pretty good right here.
50. Who did you last hug?
Probably my mom or little bro
52. Where is your phone?
plugged in on my tv stand
53. What did you last eat?
Fries from Mikey D's
54. Favorite Color?
red or blue
55. Last movie you watched?
300. Couldn't sit through the whole thing.
56. What song are you currently listening to?
Well I'm listening to S&tC on TV, but I have "Let it Go" from full monty stuck in my head
57. What do you want?
a comfy bed
59. What t.v. show are you watching?
sex & the city
60. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
I left Adam a voice mail. But actually talked to was my mom.
Okay I'm done now. ♥