I have a dumb question: What is the deal with this time-honored tradition of selling program ads for concerts, plays, shows of other sorts, etc? Is it just another means of making money for the company? Does it supposedly pay for the printing of the programs? Am I missing something? Am I really the only person for whom my time is more valuable on an hourly basis than an ad sale (and thus perhaps I should just write my own ad, perhaps a paragraph novel teaser or band promotion)? Last time I had to sell an ad I just bought one for the local goth night since that was a better use of my time and money than any amount of soliciting....
So I made myself an OKCupid profile. So far it's gone OK, I've met some nice fellows who have written me some very nice letters and I've even met a few for coffee or beer. That said, why do people who cannot spell or type keep messaging me? I specifically state in my profile that I view text-based communication as a brilliant weed-out device, giving me immediate insight as to a potential date's ability to spell, capitalize, and punctuate - am I not making myself clear? Is the problem also that they do not know how to read?
As mentioned above, I have a profile on a dating site. I am divorced, I have been for almost six months, and I specifically waited to do anything like this because there are certain protocols which really must be followed for certain things to even approach appropriate. That said, I met a guy on Sunday night for a beer, and I'm grateful he told me, but I am still pretty traumatized - the man is married! He still lives with his wife, although he claims they've somehow been "separated" since January. He excused it by stating that he's really only on the site to make friends since all his friends are his wife's friends. I did what anyone respectable would do - I told him I wasn't comfortable meeting with him ever again but just in case he really isn't lying about his intentions, I have some friends that, like he, play long board games, and with whom I intend to put him in contact. He does seem a decent fellow... he just made a Bad Call. People should stop making Bad Calls.
Dating is crum.
I had some other things to mention but I seem to have forgotten them. This is good.