[x] they call me: Kelly
[x] also: Kell, Kell Bell, Kell Gibb, etc.
[x] sex: Female
[x] my first breath of air: August 22nd, 1990
[x] age:14
[x] status: Single
[x] occupation: Student/Dancer
[x] nationality: Irish/Polish
[x] best homegirl[s]: Paige, Katie, Courtney, Amber, Carolyn, Nicole, Alyssa, Chelsea, Megan, Joelle, Lauren, Kayla, etc.
[x] most memorable memory: JASOD memories are oh-so memorable.
[x] worst?: Not too many I can think of.
[x] first word uttered: Trousers....nah, idk. Wanted to sounds smart.
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Paige Delaney Sheehan. (I don't include the freaks from preschool)
[x] college planning to go: Well there's a list of whatever I get into : U of M, Michigan State, Central, Eastern, Western, Wayne State, Grand Valley, and yeahh.
[x] future resident of: VIRGINIA with Tommy. :-P
[x] wedding: To Tommy Alexander or any of my many men.
[x] children: 2 or 3
[x] looking forward to thanksgiving: Um, wasn't really at the moment.
[x] NOT looking forward to: Going back to school.
[x] feeling: Bored, kinda sick.
[x] Listening: The tv playing Legally Blonde
[x] Talking: to nobody
[x] doing: this survey
[x] craving: Sleep
[x] thinking of: Life
[x] hating: No one right now.
[x] love is: not in the cards for me right now.
[x] first love: That kid in first grade! Paige knows. :-P
[x] current love: No strings attached.
[x] love or lust?: LaLa, idk.
[x] best love song: I'll Be by Edwin McCain
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: I guess it depends.
[x] when love hurts, you: it's normal
[x] true or false - all you need is love: false
[x] have you ever been in love?: not really "love"
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: oh yeah. two words. Tommy Alexander.
[x] turn ons: SMILE, sense of humor, good personality, and cute.
[x] turn offs: Grody teeth and guys who think they're all that
[x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: yeah
[x] what kinda hair style?: Whatever they got I guess.
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: Take care of me when I need it.
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: anywhere i guess?
[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: no
[x] dog or cat: dog
[x] short or long hair: Inbetween
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: Sunshine
[x] moon or sun: moon
[x] basketball or football: Football
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: both are nice
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: uh, 1 best friend
[x] bf/gf or best friend: Best friends are always gonna be there. Guys AREN'T!
[x] tv or radio: TV
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: Starbucks
[x] mc donalds or burger king: McDonald's
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: written letters
[x] playstation or nintendo: NINTENDO!
[x] disney or nickelodeon: Disney 8-)
[x] car or motorcycle: Car
[x] house party or club: Bangin' house parties are off the chizzain. Yeah, gangster.
[x] sing or dance: DANCE, duh.
[x] freak or slow dance: Depends on the mood.
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: AIM
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google
[x] can you swim?: Yeah, but I'm not like, olympic swimmer or nothing
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: Well, it all started the day I was born...God, you're talking to me! EVERYDAY IS AN EMBARASSMENT!
[x] what are you scared of?: Everything changing
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: All my dance stuff
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: A pointy one :)
[x] do you like tomatoes?: Yes
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 5
[x] how many phones?: 4
[x] how many residents?: 5
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: Who counts?
[x] last dentist visit: My ortho was like..2 weeks ago.
[x] last doctor visit: Idkkkkkk.
[x] last phone call: Alyssa called on my way home from up north.
+ 005. age: 14
+ 006. star sign: leo
+ 007. place of birth: Dearborn, MI
+ 008. current residence: LP fo sho.
+ 009. hair color: Brown
+ 010. eye color: Green-ish. They change.
+ 011. height: 5'4/5'5?
+ 012. writing hand: Righty tighty.
Body Ills + Skills
+ 013. do you bite your nails? Yess, just outta boredom though. Not nervousness.
+ 014. can you roll your tongue? ...NO! :(
+ 015. do you have any habits? Not that I can think of.
+ 017. colored hair: I don't dye it
+ 018. tatoos and where: Notta.
+ 019. piercings and where: Just my ears.
+ 020. do you make your bed daily? C'mon. WHO DOES THAT?
+ 021. which shoe goes on first? Good question! Idk
+ 022. speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? Most likely.
+ 023. what jewelry do you where 24/7? Nothing 24/7. I don't wear much jewelry nowadays, I should though, my ears are gonna close up.
+ 024. how many cereals are in your cabinet? Like too many that we aren't even gonna eat.
+ 025. what utensils do you use eating pizza? MY HANDS!
+ 026. do you cook? yepp
+ 027. how often do you do the dishes? When my mom forces me down.
+ 028. how often do you brush your teeth? Everyday
+ 029. how often do you shower or bathe? everyday
+ 030. how long do these showers last? 5-10 minutes.
+ 031. hair drying method: Get out of shower. Put towel on hair. Throw hair up. Drying:Complete.
+ 032. do you swear? Sometimes, but people make a big deal out of it so I try not to cuz it's annoying.
+ 033. do you mumble to yourself? Oh yeah
+ 034. do you spit in public? Sometimes.
+ 035. person you talk most on the phone with? Probably Katie or Courtney
+ 036. what color is your bedroom? Baby Blue
+ 037. do you use an alarm clock? My cellular is my alarm clock when I use one.
+ 038. name one thing and person you're obsessed with:I am obsessed with my cell phone and I'm obsessed with Mr.Thomas Alexander.
+ 039. window seat or aisle: Preferably window so your arms don't get banged by the little beverage cart. :)
+ 040. whats your sleeping position: Ooh geeze, who knows.
+ 041. what kind of bed do you like? A nice, big, warm, comfy one!
+ 042. in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes
+ 043. do you snore? Only when I can't breathe outta my nose.
+ 044. do you sleep walk? no
+ 045. do you talk in your sleep? I have in the past.
+ 046. do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No.
+ 047. how abut the light on? no
+ 048. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on? Yes.
When Was The Last Time You
+ 049. watched bambi? Years ago?
+ 050. talked on the phone? Today
+ 051. read a book? Yesterday I just finished "The Lovely Bones"
+ 052. punched someone? I do that alot.
+ 053. where do you see yourself ten years from now? Graduated college, getting married?
+ 054. who are you gonna marry and where? Only time can tell.
+ 055. how many kids do you want to have: Stop asking me! HOWEVER MANY I POP OUT!
(a)re you a guy or girl? Girl
(b)efore you took this, what were u doin? watching TV
(c)an u touch ur nose wit ur tounge? The bottom of my nose
(d)o u have any pets? Nope
(e)nergetic or calm? Energetic!
(f)ight anyone lately? Sadly, no.
(g)ood grades or bad grades? Good
(h)ave u ever smoked? no
(i)n school, are you talkative? yeah
(j)elly or peanut butter? Peanut butter.
(k)illing is...: Death?
(l)ove or lust? maybe if you had more original QUESTIONS DUMB WHORE!
(m)ore money or more free stuff? fiend for the green $$$$$$$
(n)o friends or no hair? No hair. Bald is beautiful. Always got my green wig too.
(o)utgoing or shy? Outgoing, but not toooooooooo much.
(p)eople r _____ to u... : Gay.
(q)uilt or blankey? blankey
(r)aspberriez or olivez? raspberries
(s)een any moviez lately? yep
(t)omorrow u will... : Sleep in and sit around being a bum?
(u)sually u...: are sleeping, eating, dancing, hanging out, cheering
(v)ery little timez u... : are not sleeping
(w)hen ur home alone u...: play on the computer or sleep
(x)rayz or picturez? pictures
(z)ebraz or cowz? Cows
Have you ever..
Smoked Pot? nope
Kissed Someone? yeh
Had Sex? no
Did a Cartwheel? Yes
Kissed in the rain? nope
Had a pedicure? nope
Played tennis? Attempted
Swam in a thunderstorm? yeah
Surfed? I don't surf, I boogyboard or skimboard. That's how the real PIMPs roll nowadays.
Drank strawberry milk? Yes.
Been to California? It's on my to-do list
Been to Flordia? Yes
Been out of the country? Canada
Played strip poker? nope
Played regular poker? Yes
Climbed a tree? Yes
Broken an arm? no
Broke a mirror? nope
Punched someone? Yep, that's what Ryan is for!
Ate Paper? yeah
Failed a test? Vinod..Kastura, you do the math.
Skipped school? nope
Been out to dinner without your parents? yea
Driven without a license? Yeah
Stolen something over $30? nope
Kissed someone of the same sex? No
Been pregnat? NO
Been to Walt Disney World? Yesssss.
Played Spin the Bottle? nope
Drank Beer? Not intentionally, I think it's nasty tasting.
Been to six Flags? Who needs Six Flags when you got Cedar Point?
Watched MTV Video Clash? Oh yeah, that's fun.
The Perfect Guy
1. hair color - Not that important
2. eye color - I do like pretty blue eyes,
3. height - taller than me
4. six pack - Not that important. Bonus though.
5. long or short hair - whatever looks good
6. glasses - it doesnt matter
7. piercings - Not like all over.
8. scars - Who cares
9. eyebrows - No unibrows!
10. big butt or little- Cute butt
11. chest hair - Not like Austin Powers or nothing.
12. buff or skinny- Not like anorexic but not like mr.muscular.
13. straight teeth, gap, or braces - Beautiful straight teeth :)
14. funny or serious- Funny is most important. But they need to be serious at times too.
15. party or stay at home- Whatever floats the boat.
16. should he cook or bake- Cook
17. should he have a best friend - Yeah
18. should he have a lotta girlfriends - I wouldn't be all like "Don't talk to them" but I don't want him to like ditch me for his other girl friends.
19. outgoing or shy - Outgoing
20. sarcastic or sincere - A nice combo
21. should he love his mother? - oh yes
22. should he watch chick flicks? - He do what he want.
23. would he be a smoker? - I don't judge nowadays
24. would he drink? - sure
25. would he swear? - yeah
26. would he play with your hair?- Yeah-ya
27. one or more girls at a time - c'mon now. 1.
28. would he pay for dates? - Hopefully.
29. does he kiss on the first date?- whatevvvvver.
30. where would you go to dinner? - i like food. it don't matter.
31. would he bring you flowers?- aw, that'd be cute.
32. would he lay under the stars with you?- another aw from kelly.
33. would he write poetry about you? - that'd be cool considering i suck at that stuff.
34. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby? - hopefully.
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? - yes of course.
36.would you hang out with him and his friends? yes, it's only fair.
37. will he walk you to the door at the end? - yeah
38. holding hands - yes siree
39. soccer - sure.
40. baseball - yeah i like baseball.
41. basketball - also like.
42. football - ooh yeah.
43. water - ehh.
44. surf - surfers are fun
45. skateboard- whatever.
46. snowboard- why not
47. sing - that'd be great
48. play guitar - cool
49. play piano - i guess so.
50. play drums- yes! that'd be mega awesome. then he could teach me.
51. clean his room - well as long as it doesn't reek then okay.
52. paint, draw, sculpt - draw me pretty pictures.
53. writes his own music - write me a song!
54. use the word dude - that'd a definite.
55. use the word tight - i guess so
56. would he watch the sun rise with you - another aw.
57. what kind of car does he drive- whatever he drives, i can't complain.
58. how old is he - about my age give or take.
59. what would his name be - mr. dude
The End.