So every time I try to comment today I get an error. Sucky indeed. So here is one mass-comment instead of individually posted comments because LJ doesn't want me to do those today...
Larry: You would make a fantastic male prostitute. Go for that one :P But alas, if your heart is not in prostitution, the crazy professor thing would work for you too. I can see you in 50 years, your hair all crazy and grey, wearing a set of robes like a good honest professor (aside: why don't professors wear robes anymore other than to graduation? I think people would take them much more seriously if they did!).
Sam: Such a good Kitty leaving presents like that! Our kitties have never once left us THAT sort of present, only hairballs, etc. Glad Kitty is feeling better enough to be the epitome of haughty cat again :)
Sara: Stubs is ADORABLE! Post more pictures! I can't get enough kitten pics :)
Jen: Next time just drive the median ;)