(``** General **``)
- First Name: Kelley
- Middle Name: Mackenzie
- Last Name: ------
- Nickname(s): big mack, piggy n i cant think of any eles
- Age: 13
- Birthday: july 31st
- Height: 5'3 ish
- Hair Color: light brown
- Eye Color: brown
- Do You Wear Glasses or Contacts: i have them but their ugly so i dont wear them
- Do You Have Braces: nope
- Is Your Hair Long or Short: long
- Where Were You Born: crete, greece
- Current Location: my room? clarksville? haha dont know what it is askin
- Zodiac Sign: leo
- How Many Languages Do You Know: only one
- Nationality: german n some other stuff haha
- Bad Habits: yeah some
- Piercing You Have: none
- You Want: none
- Tattoos You Have: none
- Tattoos You Want: none
- Today's Date: july 9th
- The Time: 7:40 pm
(``** Family **``)
- Mothers Name: monica
- Fathers Name: david
- Step Parents Names (If Any): none
- Bothers Name: dont have any
- Sisters Name: Ashley
- Do You Get Along With Your Parents: yupp
(``** School **``)
- Are You Still In School: yeah but its summber
- Did You Drop Out: no
- Current GPA: it's summer.
- Favorite Grade: 8th
- Least Favorite Grade: dont have one.
- Favorite Teacher(s): Mrs. Long.
- Least Favorite Teacher: Mr. Ramsey
- Favorite Subject: math
- Least Favorite Subject: science
- Do/Did You Buy Lunch or Bring It: bought
- Favorite Memory: there's tons
- Most Humiliating Moment: i know i've had them just cant remember
(``** Favorites **``)
- Number: 21
- Shoes: dont have any favorites
- TV Show: big brother+gilmore girls
-Fruit: watermelon and grapes
- Movie: the notebook
- Candy: chocolate
- Gum: dont like gum
- Scent: curious
- Candy Bar: allll of them haha
- Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
- Color: pink
- Season: winter+summer
- Holiday: the 4th of july
- Singer: Britney Spears
- Group: rascal flatts
- Band: Britney Spears?
- Type Of Music: all of it
- Thing In Your Room: my computer
- Rapper: 50 cent and nelly
- Place To Be: with my friends because we always have fun
- Radio Station: 102.5 107.5 101.1 100.3 and 103.3
- TV Channel: abc family, mtv, and nick at night
- Junk Food: i dont have just one haha
- Overall Food: chicken
- Store: hollister
- Shoe Brand: nike
- Fast Food: subway
- Restaurant: don panchos and olive garden
- Shape: dont have one
- Time Of Day: depends
- State: right now its tennessee
- Boys Name: dont have one
- Girls Name: dont have one
-mall: cool springs
Shampoo: Herble essences (sp??)
Board Game: apples to apples
- Music Video: any Britney Spears one
Word: hahaha mine is the same as ambers
- Month: i like alot of them..
- Cartoon Character: elmo.
- Scary Movie: dont think i have one
- Most Prized Possession: dont think i have one
(``** This or That **``)
- Rock or Rap: raaaap haha
- Britney or Christina: Britney..duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh hahaha
- Selena or Jennifer Lopez: Jennifer Lopez i guess
- Hot or Cold: in between
- Winter or Summer: both
- Spring or Fall: both
- Outkast or Black Eyed Peas: thats a tough one haha i guess outkast
- ICP or Eminem: grooooss neither
- CSI or CSI Miami: neither
- MTV or VH1: mtv
- Buffy or Angel: neither
- Dawson’s Creek or Gilmore Girls: gilmore girls
- Football or Basketball: not big on either
- Skiing or Snowboarding: never been
-Rollerskating or Skateboarding: umm none haha
- Black or White: both
- Orange or Red: depends
- Yellow or Green: both
- Purple or Pink: piiiiiiiiiiink
- The Smiths or Morrisey: dont know either of them
- Hottopic or Pac Sun: pac sun
- Inside or Outside: outside
- Cell Phone Or Pager: cell phone
- Pen or Pencil: pencil
- Scooby or Dino: aww both, they are so cute haha
- Tattoos or Piercing: neither
(``** Private Life **``)
- Do You Have A Boyfriend/ Girlfriend: nope
- Do you Have A Crush: nope
- How Many Hearts Have You Broken: none
- How Many People Have Broken Your Heart: none
- Best Quote To Sum Up Love: dont think i have one
- Do You Have A Picture Of Your Self: yeah..well wait with me? none
- Do You Go For Looks Or Personality: i'd have to say both
(``** Would You Ever **``)
- Bungee Jump: yeah
- Skydive: yeah i want to
- Swim With Dolphins: awww yeees that sounds fun
- Scuba Dive: yeah maaybe
- Go Rock Climbing: yeah
- Eat Shit For $1,000,000: honestly..maybe a million dollars is alot of money haha
- Turn Your Back On Your Friends For Personal Gain: no. never.
- Steal A Friend’s Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nooo
- Lie To Your Parents: not biig lies
- Walk Up To A Stranger And Kiss Them: no haha
- Be An Exotic Dancer: noope hahah
- Walk Out Of A Restaurant Without Paying: no thats stealing
- Streak: doubt it haha
(``** Yes or No **``)
- Kicked Someone’s Ass: if they deserve it
- Flashed Someone: noope
- Told The Person You Liked How You Felt: yeah
- Gone To Jail or Juvi: noo, neeevver
- Gotten Really Wasted: nope
- Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex: noo thanks haha
- Gone On A Road Trip: nope
- Gone On Vacation Without Adult Supervision: no that would be fun though
- Been To A Concert: yeees..rascal flatts and it was awesome
- Given Money To A Homeless Person: sure have
- Kissed A Friend’s Brother or Sister: no
- Kissed A Brother or Sisters' Friend: no
- Dropped Something On The Floor That You Were Cooking And Let Someone Eat It Anyways: not that i remember
- Are You A Vegetarian: nooope
- Are you Artistic: haha no
- Do You Write Poetry: noo i think it is so boring
- Are You A Fast Runner: i love to run..i dont know if you would say i am fast
- Can You Ski: never have
- Are You Straight: duuurr
- Are You Stupid: i have my moments haha
- Are You Fat: naah
- Are You Skinny: noope
- Are You Short: nooope
- Are You Tall: nooope haha
- Wear A Pink Shirt: yeaaaaaah
- How About Orange Pants: never have
(``** Opinion **``)
- What Do You Think About Pop Music: i like it
- About Boy Bands: there are some good ones
- About Flag Burning: i hate it...if you dont like america then leave
- Of The War On Terrorism: its sad
- About Suicide: its sad too haha
- About People Who Try To Force Their Opinions On You: i dont mind people who tell me their opinion but if they try to tell me mine is wrong or stupid or tell me i am stupid for my opinion then i get mad haha
- About Abortion: i'm not sure about that one
- About Rock/Metal Music: its not my favorite
- Where Do You Think You Will Be In 10 Years: i should be in college
(``** What Did You Do **``)
- Last Birthday: went and got my cell phone
- Yesterday: i was at home all day
- Christmas: opened presents
- Thanksgiving: had a big dinner with my family
- New Years: i was at home n we had our own little party thing
- Halloween: cant remember..i think i was at home
- Easter: cant remember that either
- Valentines Day: i was at school
- St. Patrick's Day: i was at school then too haha
(``** The last **``)
- Thing You Ate: chocolate
- Thing You Drank: water
- Place You Went: swan lake
- Thing You Got Pierced/Tattooed: nothing
- Person You Saw: my sister
- Person You Kissed: no one
- Person You Talked To: my sister
-Song You Heard: some song on this movie