I've just dropped Mr. Crane off for his second official day at preschool (the first was a week and a half ago, right before spring break happened). As I left, he was helping one of his teachers put caterpillars in new chrysalis into the butterfly station. He was so stoked!!! I am so relieved to have him there. Trips to Little Farm, the Children's
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Comments 25
In general news, I think you're really great, and wish we'd had time for happy hours and kid-puppy-play-dates while you were here.
I think you're really great too!! We will remain in touch, lady!
I agree wholeheartedly that the PacNW hipster fashion is some of the best in the country. It's based on really being broke and creative, in a way that SF hipsterdom isn't because they aren't broke. I will say that SF has a lot of hot lesbians which Seattle has less of. The tech kids are not hip. They might have money and cool sneakers but not hipster in the super cutting edge way.
Grace & I both vehemently believe that the hipster look of the early-mid 00s originated in Seattle. Since I was very much a part of that scene I can testify that visiting NYC in 2002 etc everyone seemed a little behind the times. The trucker hat, Pabst Blue Ribbon stuff was all Seattle punk filtered through a few years later. I have thoughts and feelings on this but i am hella tired (just got home from a 12 hour day) and need to watch V Mars and go to bed.
Can't wait to see you!!!!!!
Also, as Alice and Grace and others can attest, we were "scenesters" in Seattle in the early aughts. I had never ears of "hipsters" until the Brooklyn kids started copping our style. Then "scene" became some sort of emo kid candy race hot topic flavor. Weird.
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