Okay - so I pretty much skim LJ and DW most days - but the last time I actually posted was April? Really? I think I don't realize because I use DW to write at work so it looks like I'm posting all the time. So, this meme going around which is useful for a catch up!
So what have you been up to? / Major life changes? Same old same old?I've moved...
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Comments 10
Hi hi hi! :)
Nice to see you, bb! And aw, sad for losing your flatmates and kitties, but...new things! Change! Sometimes it's very good. And there are always kitties out there needing a home.
Yes, it's too bad you don't like Steve/Bucky, there's a ton of really good fic out there. I'm writing Steve & Bucky, but it's gen, so maybe....? Well, two parts are already up and perhaps you already read them, i can't remember. *rolls eyes*
ANYWAY..... Nice to see you! *waves more*
You need to watch Sense8 and also Mad Max, homg. They both kick ass. And the MM fic? Off the charts. :)
I haven't really read any MM fic - I must admit that I don't feel that fannish urge when the canon material gives me enough emotional noshing and OMG THE EMOTIONS. I think my emotions were filled up by the awesome that was that piece of cinema. Of course if YOU write any that would be totally different!
I also have Sense8 on my list! Apparently a few friends and I have a marathon in the future planned. ;D
And i could watch the Wives and Furiosa and the Vuvalini all friggin' day. :)
The fic that i've been reading is mostly 'stuff that happens after', and oddly - a lot of het, which i don't actually mind. More in-depth looks at the War Boys and that whole culture, stuff like that. It's all so *good*! I love post-apocalypse, but i dunno if i could write anything or not....
............DAMN YOU.
Whooo! Sense8 is fucking amazing. You will love it!
War boy culture after the women come back and take over would be interesting though! Oh, and anything you might feel compelled to write of course... *poke* *poke* *pokepokepoke*
I'm looking forward to Sense8 - I've heard good things!
Nyle - I LOVE Nyle so far - his beautiful eyes and I just want to squish his lovely, scruffy, adorable FACE. I want to SLAP IT WITH GUSTO I LOVE IT SO. :D I was tempted to google him but refrained in case I got accidentally spoilered that he gets booted the very next ep or something. I'm only on ep 4 I think - I'm not sure how far behind we are.
We had Tyra on the Australian top model finale here so that's why I thought she might have snagged our scoring system because the very next season the US ANTM one is the same as ours - heh. Our local series hasn't had boys in the mix yet but it's good - really back to the basics of the series - last cycle was won by a girl who was driving big mining rigs in the middle of Australia before she signed up.
OMG - the social media vote was so terrible and awkward and BAD TELEVISION. I'm glad they abandoned it. I couldn't watch that cycle after about 2 episodes. I just like seeing the photo shoots and the photos and Nyle's lovely hairy chest... AHEM.
I love that you are still in the TW fandom, I actually mostly read your SPN fic on lj but noticed on your AO3 account you mostly have your TW fic. Would you consider posting some of your SPN fic [like Not The World I Left Behind] on AO3?
I was really into the HP fandom for a long time and I still go back and read fic from then, but a lot of people who I enjoyed reading now write in other fandoms, like Dr. Who and Sherlock and I find I just can't get into that.
I like Orphan Black, it's quite good. New this TV season are two shows you might enjoy, Limitless, and Blindspot.
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