Sometimes you do things that really dont mean to hurt people. I mean I understand from your point of view how it would seem and how people would react to the whole thing. You know I wouldnt hurt you for the world and I wouldnt do it out of spite or anything. It means nothig at all. I mean I told you. I could have lied about it to you but I didnt
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Well last night me and Kayla went to the Belfry game and we lost. But I lost my love for children when we were in Wal-Mart. We ate Mexican that was good. On the way home we say the best thing ever. It was the smallest trailor in the frekin world OMG I love it. When we got home we done nothing for a lil while and then Greg wanted us to bring him his
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Why do people mess with your crap I mean really. My email and my ICQ got screwed with. i hope whoever did it reads this because your pretty much an idiot. I can and will find out who you are. Oh and thanks for not deleting my sent files on my email. Your real bright. Your ignorance makes me laugh. I will continue this later...
Whats better than it snowing on the first day of Dec.!!!!! Ive started doing Tae Bo! Oh its a workout let me tell you. I love it though. Kayla will DIE when she get her CHristmas Present i mean DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I still have a lot of shopping to do. Man this journal entry sucks. I quit.
WOOOOOO I get to slap and name my turkey! Kayla says its name is tweenty three,(spelled out not the number!) But I may have a different name for it, Im so excited I cant wait! I just decied its name will be BUNSON
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